diy solar

diy solar

You need to know what you are up against.

I don't talk to these people. they are the opposite of DIY. Maybe this guy isn't so bad, but the title page with a guy counting dollar bills just set me off. I may watch this later.
Not everyone wants to DIY, or is capable of DIY. But it's the same with everything.

I bet you bought your house. I built mine. Saved a bunch, and got everything exactly as I wanted. You probably bought your car, too. I DIY more than probably 99% of the people, does that mean everyone should DIY everything? Certainly not, it's definitely not for everyone. And for those people that wish to buy something, it needs to be for sale first, and someone well versed in the product to educate the consumer and perform the sale, so that everyone doesn't have to know everything about everything.
Maybe I made an assumption about a graphic. I have had several people come to my door trying to talk me into solar. I had intentionally semi-hidden my panels a part of the roof that could not be seen easily. It proves that I did a good job, because, now and then, someone knocks on my door and give me a pitch. I just say, Thanks, it doesn't work, and in reality, I am spending a lot of time and money, etc. playing with solar. I keep it hidden even though I will soon be going to get building permits to make things official.

I'm not a criminal, I just need time to figure out what equipment & hardware and plan things out. I'm a DIYer, and probably some of us fall victim to sales people or cross the line/ conflict with city planners.

The graphic with a guy coming to your front door counting bills and pushing sales just made me laugh, I didn't actually watch it.
I've had several dozen people come to my door and try to talk me into ant control. And landscaping services. And new windows. And vacuum cleaners. And encyclopedia's. It's not new, the business is 100 years old. I am rural, they had to walk a half mile from the previous house to mine.