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diy solar

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  1. zalamandern232

    Using solar micro inverters with batteries instead of panels

    startup outside mppt range, burn with 2ohm resistor until ac power starts.. 44v/2ohm= 22A (Imax on microinverter 25A) 44v*22a = 968W do you burn that? using powerresistor? for how long? Battery voltage will slowly go down, do you prevent the microinverter mppt using boost/buck...
  2. zalamandern232

    Using solar micro inverters with batteries instead of panels

    wow, it took 3hours to read this topic... its been a while ago since i posted here... however, its hard to get into the technical details with so much text... To contribute, i tried to draw agt's setup.. And i might also start to experiment with my microinverter. I use 48VDC BB with a NTC-4.0 as...
  3. zalamandern232

    Using solar micro inverters with batteries instead of panels

    ok, you use the one on the dc/dc converter. Somehow my fuse seems allways to blow :( tried lower the current limiter to what i guess, is half. will try to use a powerresistor
  4. zalamandern232

    Using solar micro inverters with batteries instead of panels

    diy06.JPG, this look like what im trying to do but i working with 48vdc battery bank, does your setup still work? I cant see any fuses to protect the batteries or the inverter, how do you current protect the circuit? how high is your current when you start the setup?

diy solar

diy solar