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diy solar

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  1. FlyingT

    2S1P voltage and current

    Thank you. That’s what I needed to hear
  2. FlyingT

    2S1P voltage and current

    Is this configuration acceptable for panels? I’m wanting to make sure 1) it’s safe to do and 2) what the ultimate voltage and current will be #3 100w panels Voc 24.50v Isc 5.20a Vmp 20.20v Imp 4.95a 49v & 10.4a x 1.25? Thanks!
  3. FlyingT

    How to calculate voltage and current in a 2S1P array to size an MPPT controller

    Thanks Mattb4. I was seeing some chatter online about 2S1P so I thought you could wire them that way. I have a Victron 100/50 controller and I’m looking to use it here if possible
  4. FlyingT

    How to calculate voltage and current in a 2S1P array to size an MPPT controller

    Hello. New to the forum. I’d appreciate some advice to double check calculations. I have #3 150w panels with the following parameters for each panel… Pmax 150W Vmp 18.0V Imp 8.34A Voc 21.6V Isc 9.19A I have a 12v 100Ah battery and I want to appropriately size a controller, wires etc…. I...

diy solar

diy solar