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diy solar

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  1. Thundar

    WWWS (what would Will Say) EG4 vs SOK server rack battery

    That’s great news! Thank you for your reply Hightech! Odds are you guys will be getting my business. I would just like to see some more documentation and videos on this battery once it is actually in peoples hands. If all goes well with the first purchase I will probably order a total of at...
  2. Thundar

    EG4 LL Battery Discharging and Charging Slower Than The Rest

    Thanks for expanding the knowledge base here Robby And and helping me to not feel like a silly newbie simply because I am questioning quality of something I have not used before myself and it has little test reviews except for Will
  3. Thundar

    EG4 LL Battery Discharging and Charging Slower Than The Rest

    Sounds like an excellent idea Richard! I am going to be in the market here in the next few months for purchase of my first server rack battery and if that tests out and does well I plan to buy at least 20 to 30 kW in the future. I’ve already got a growatt inverter and just received from sig...
  4. Thundar

    EG4 LL Battery Discharging and Charging Slower Than The Rest

    It was not a statement it was a question and if you look above you’ll see the person who overheard this opinion from an installer. Take a look at the dictionary and you’ll see proof of the error in judgement you made. I thought Yoda was supposed to be wise? LMFAO. Well based on your logic...
  5. Thundar

    EG4 LL Battery Discharging and Charging Slower Than The Rest

    Has anyone else looked into this further to confirm if these may in fact be grade B cells in both the signature solar eg4 as well as SOK?
  6. Thundar

    WWWS (what would Will Say) EG4 vs SOK server rack battery

    Wwws instead of wwjd? My God this dude is as Big a celebrity as any lmao hey has anyone confirmed whether the SOK server rack battery will work well with the Growatt inverters? Specifically the 3000w models? I’ve heard many or most people having issues with configuring the eg4 batteries...

diy solar

diy solar