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diy solar

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  1. C

    EG4 6000XP setup questions.

    The EG4 Chargeverter works even with small inverters. You can set the amperage very low on start up and then just manually walk up the amps in little steps until you get it where you want it. for my Champion 4500 generator . I start at 30 amps and then slowly walk it up to 50amps in 5-10 amp...
  2. C

    Best replacement for EG4 6500's?

    Kurt’s what did you end up going with? I am in a very similar boat. I have two EG4 6500ex and they are giving me nothing but problems. The update process is a giant pain in the butt. And I still have major flicking lights while running washer. Major voltage leakage onto my pv lines. It took SS a...
  3. C

    EG4 6500 voltage on PV terminals?

    This seems like a very hazardous situation. I am no electrician but wouldn’t this mean with a grounded array you would always have voltage on your ground wire all the way back to your house ground? The ground wire often an uninsulated wire I don’t believe would be safe continuously live. Is it...

diy solar

diy solar