diy solar

diy solar

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  1. M

    Which server rack battery has fewest issues: SOK, Trophy, or Jackiper?

    Could you tell me what the difference is between the first and second versions of the batteries. I bought Dan's 24 volt battery 7 months ago.
  2. M

    'New' MPP PIP2724, any users?

    Hi, could you tell me how the 2724 is working for you, how much battery are you working with,thx
  3. M

    Does anyone know what this connector is - where to get another?

    Do you think the cable size supplied with the Mpp2724 is adequate for the unit?
  4. M

    Does anyone know what this connector is - where to get another?

    Hi, I was wanting to get ahold of these connectors and use a 2 or 1 gage wire , I read that some owners of this inverters have had problems with the cable melting
  5. M

    Do I need an additional fuse?

    New to the forum and this is my very first post . As far as your question goes I can safely say as far as the additional fuse I have no clue.

diy solar

diy solar