diy solar

diy solar

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  1. Nubf14

    Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Yes was thinking about a Victron SS but was hoping someone may have figured out a way to show it on the solar side. I also have a micro-hydro I need to add in a few months and would like to see that power as well.
  2. Nubf14

    Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Currently connected via the bus bar in the EG4 battery server rack. I thought about a direct BMS connection to SA but did not think that would show the chargeverter power add.
  3. Nubf14

    Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Does anyone know the best method to include the EG4 Chargeverter power on the Solar Assitant view? I would like the power provided from the Chargeverter to show on the power view.

diy solar

diy solar