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diy solar

Chargeverter and Solar Assistant


New Member
Jan 23, 2022
Does anyone know the best method to include the EG4 Chargeverter power on the Solar Assitant view? I would like the power provided from the Chargeverter to show on the power view.
Currently connected via the bus bar in the EG4 battery server rack. I thought about a direct BMS connection to SA but did not think that would show the chargeverter power add.
It wouldn’t show anything specific. It would just look like incoming power. Same thing like if you hooked up an additional charger or Solar charge controller.

You could add a Victron smart shunt and put the chargeverter on the load side, but it would still only be reflected as incoming power in SA.
You should be able to see the difference (mathematically) between the solar charging and the overall charge going into the battery. If using the Victron Smart Shunt.
Yes was thinking about a Victron SS but was hoping someone may have figured out a way to show it on the solar side. I also have a micro-hydro I need to add in a few months and would like to see that power as well.
The only way that Solar Assistant can show individual charging values is with multiple BMS's.
As far as I know.
I just asked about multiple Smart Shunt's , last week.
And that's not available, at the moment.

The reason I asked was because I just purchased a second Shunt for my chargeverters.
Holy cow! Your pushing almost 50kw?
Not yet, but I will be.

What in the world are you running with that?
Entire property and 2 or 3 future EV's.
Do you have a build thread on here?
Yes, but haven't updated for a while.
Not completed enough for more pictures, yet.

I originally planned to use one 1,000 amp smartshunt for all the batteries, but then decided on two 500 amp, one for each rack. It cost a few $'s more, but gives me more detail. I'd go the same route, rather than one 2,000 smartshunt.
I like the fact that the larger amperage models Have multiple studs. But I just don’t pull enough amperage yet to make it worth it yet. I may get a 1000 amp eventually. But 2000 amp? Unless you have a massive 12v system. Which would be really odd. Then I just can’t see the need.

Then again. I always love seeing larger and different builds. MORE PoWeR!
Solar Assistant can only monitor one Smart Shunt at a time. So, I have to go with the larger single one.
I was hoping to have one for each bank. To be able to see how everything was balanced. But until it's an option, one it shall be.
Correct me if I am wrong, as I am a bit new with my SA orange and my growatt spf6000t dvm off grid.. I have 3 lifepo4 bats, bms controlled, I have the growatt to the SA, the master battery bms to the SA and the Gen connected to the Growatt.. Now I am waiting on my EG4 chargeverter to arrive will be several weeks, but here is what I am thinking.
A. I will disconnect the Gen from the Growatt,
B. Connect the EG4 Charger to the Battery Bus of the Growatt,
C. Now with that Config, the SA should show the EG4 Charger as the Grid value on the SA screen, just as the Growatt does.
Lets say it is night time or evening or daytime No Sun, dark cloud cover so no PV, batteries are at SOC by 4 pm 60%, I put Gen online
using the EG4 Charger connected to the Growatt battery bus terminals.. which are already connected.. I turn on Gen and turn on EG4,
SA should show Grid and Charging,
D. Lets say shortly after the Sun Breaks out strong and the PV is showing 2000 watts PV and house is pulling 10 amps, the PV will be total
is giving 29 amps, the Growatt give the 10 amps to the house, and the other 19 amps to the batteries, and with the EG4 Charger online
say I have it set for 60 amps max, limit charge.. the SA should read the total to the batteries, as 79ams, Grid on SA shows 60amps and
if I remember the Growatt behavior it will just give the house AC 10 amp and the EG4 charger will show Batteries charging with 60 amps
TTL, and since the BMS is RS485 communicating with the SA, it will show what and how much each batterie is being feed out of the 60a.
I am only guessing based on what I currently see with what I have now..
Maybe someone can shed some light and correct my theory.. some is actual some is theory until I get mey EG4 Charger.. thanks in advance for replies - Ric
I was able to combine multiple smart shunts using cerbos gx's and home assistant. Solar assistant alone is useless since it can't handle multiple ones on its own and can't interface with the cerbos directly either. Home assistant for the win on this one.

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