diy solar

diy solar

Problem with chargeverter

The last V1 I purchased does the slow ramp up.
So I guess that they changed it, before V2.
I don't care for it (too slow) , but I guess it would help with small generators.
Chargeverter features:
can add charge to a running ESS without needing to also supply pass-through loads.
can be set at any amperage to match a suitable output for generator at hand.
can be used to charge ESS with poor quality source power, without affecting the inverter output power quality.
can be used with 120 or 240 supply.
allows isolation between charging system and inverter output system - ie no shared Neutral/Ground required.
Chargeverter features:
can add charge to a running ESS without needing to also supply pass-through loads.
can be set at any amperage to match a suitable output for generator at hand.
can be used to charge ESS with poor quality source power, without affecting the inverter output power quality.
can be used with 120 or 240 supply.
allows isolation between charging system and inverter output system - ie no shared Neutral/Ground required.
Exactly! Plus all kinds of magic can happen if they ever get the Modbus firmware sorted out.
The last V1 I purchased does the slow ramp up.
So I guess that they changed it, before V2.
I don't care for it (too slow) , but I guess it would help with small generators.

Perhaps I have not articulated well? Are we are talking about different ramp'y things? I'm talking in-rush/pre-charge from either direction. For example, when connected to the batteries, breaker off, no AC power, flip the breaker and it momentarily brings the batteries (30KWH rack full) to their knees, enough to cause problems with the inverter if you are running off the batteries. Other variations of order when connecting power cause similar sags, applying AC first with the current setting high, blah, blah. None of these are show stoppers IMNSHO, but mild annoyances you need to be aware of when using the device.

Based on the conversation this does not appear to be what we are talking about, since a few seconds of pre-charge delay to "ramp-up" output would not seem to be "too slow", since that time should be less than getting the genny cranked up and putting out. Are we talking about something else?
Perhaps I have not articulated well? Are we are talking about different ramp'y things? I'm talking in-rush/pre-charge from either direction. For example, when connected to the batteries, breaker off, no AC power, flip the breaker and it momentarily brings the batteries (30KWH rack full) to their knees, enough to cause problems with the inverter if you are running off the batteries. Other variations of order when connecting power cause similar sags, applying AC first with the current setting high, blah, blah. None of these are show stoppers IMNSHO, but mild annoyances you need to be aware of when using the device.

Based on the conversation this does not appear to be what we are talking about, since a few seconds of pre-charge delay to "ramp-up" output would not seem to be "too slow", since that time should be less than getting the genny cranked up and putting out. Are we talking about something else?
No, that's not at all what I was referring to.
That sounds like a defective product to me.
I have never seen that before. At least not with the 3 I have.

What I was referring to was how fast the charger ramps up to maximum, at first power up.
My first two ramp up very quickly. Which was a problem for some others with small generators.
My third one ramps up very slowly. (Annoyingly slow for me)
Which is better for small generators.
My third one ramps up very slowly. (Annoyingly slow for me)
That's the same response I get from the CVGC (v2), it takes _forever_ for it to ramp up to full power. Well, it's probably only a minute or two, and I'd rather have the ramp for my generator's sake, but it _feels_ like forever. #IWantMyInstantGratificationRightNow
I have noticed the first few times it ramps up really fast, then after that slows down … using breaker to enable it boom go.. but when I leave it on and the relay fires giving it power and it was already on.. it takes a while to ramp up… no problem here, small price to pay to prevent 5000watt punch on power source …

diy solar

diy solar