diy solar

diy solar

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  1. A

    Is it possible? Solar charge 96v EV while driving?

    To strictly answers OPs title. Possible? yes Practical or worth it? nope 96v nominal solar charge controller is gonna be niche and expensive. You will need at least 150v panel voltage, that's 250+ solar cells. Then trying to get them all seeing the sun at once while riding it. The amount of...
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    Fution's 10kwh Tesla Powerwall Clone - What's the catch?

    This so much, would not touch with a barge pole based on the atrocious documentation alone someone that uses mAh to inflate numbers is someone that makes mobile power banks with bogus capacities. Not to mention their maths doesn't add up. Nominal capacity:10240000mAh I think someone means micro...
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    how to modify a car alternator for 48v charging

    the first 12v doesn't have to be a MPP, can be anything. the MPP all in ones AC input is a battery charger, so electrically you're charging your 48v batteries from the first 12v inverter, and then the 48v inverter is drawing from the 48v batteries for your AC loads.
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    how to modify a car alternator for 48v charging

    i had a shower thought for an easy, yet probably not very efficient (but who cares lol) method to achieve charging from a vehicles engine. if you're running an all in one inverter with a 240v/220v charger like the MPP solar range, use an appropriately sized to your alternator output 12v...
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    Victron All-in-one: "Inverter RS 48/6000 230V Smart Solar"

    As far as i can understand in the manual they support parallel four in single phase, or six in three phase
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    Victron All-in-one: "Inverter RS 48/6000 230V Smart Solar"

    The new MPP solar pip 7248max is in the same kinda ballpark if you're ok with Taiwanesium ;)
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    TechLuck electric/solar hybrid hot water heater?

    So I'm resurrecting this thread because it best matches what i would like to achieve without starting a new one. I am able to get solar panels cheep, used and removed off grid tie systems, 50 bucks a pop for 250w (they get scrapped otherwise). I wish to slap together something low power, cheap...
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    Solar Panels Voltage much lower at MPPT than at panels

    Are you using the same multimeter for both measurements, or using what the MPPT is reporting or something? Either the cable is damaged/grossly undersized, or you have a poor connection somewhere. Start measuring the voltage across cables/connections.
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    Ground rod?

    Do you have a hammer drill? something like this works wonders. this one is for an SDS drill, but ones exist that just go into a regular chuck too

diy solar

diy solar