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Fution's 10kwh Tesla Powerwall Clone - What's the catch?


New Member
Sep 19, 2020
This thing is only $4,000 for a 10kwh battery bank plus 5kw inverter.
Has anyone done a proper analysis of this thing?


  • Powerwall manual Bestsun's Superbattery BFS-5KW LiFePO4.pdf
    3 MB · Views: 67
There's so many mistakes and embiggenings in the 2nd page of that PDF that it's hard to know where to start.

10240Ah or 10240Wh, your choice apparently?
nominal capacity10240000mA. Who the hell uses mAh at this sort of capacity? It equates to noting the load in your truck in ounces.
rated power peak 10kVA (at least they use kVA) but with a DC input limit of 5.12kW.

The unit has appeared on the forum earlier and at the time I commented that you have to pay close attention to the specs as the power level the ads claimed in one place were higher than in others, but the one page above takes it to a whole new level.

I don't know if the unit is any good or not, but the manual doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Nice name too, fution. As in my intuition says there may be fusion.
There's so many mistakes and embiggenings in the 2nd page of that PDF that it's hard to know where to start.

10240Ah or 10240Wh, your choice apparently?
nominal capacity10240000mA. Who the hell uses mAh at this sort of capacity? It equates to noting the load in your truck in ounces.
rated power peak 10kVA (at least they use kVA) but with a DC input limit of 5.12kW.

The unit has appeared on the forum earlier and at the time I commented that you have to pay close attention to the specs as the power level the ads claimed in one place were higher than in others, but the one page above takes it to a whole new level.

I don't know if the unit is any good or not, but the manual doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Nice name too, fution. As in my intuition says there may be fusion.
This so much, would not touch with a barge pole based on the atrocious documentation alone
someone that uses mAh to inflate numbers is someone that makes mobile power banks with bogus capacities.
Not to mention their maths doesn't add up.

Nominal capacity:10240000mAh
I think someone means micro amp hours? :ROFLMAO:
Did you view the amazon page? Ultimately isn't all of this stuff made in China?

I agree though, bad english is one thing. Confusing scientific units of measurement is another. Can we expect Will Prowse to do a youtube review of it?
A lot of stuff is made in China sure but there's more to the story than that. Stuff designed in the 'West' and produced in China can be very high quality. The technical ability to design and produce top quality native Chinese products is there too, but for every good bit of quality gear designed and produced in China there are 10,000 crap items. There's a full spectrum of quality to select from. Spin the wheel and see where this unit falls.

Not sure if this is the sort of thing @Will Prowse is interested in reviewing TBH. Time will tell.
This is also known as Best Sun Powerwall. It is the very same unit. Possibly Fution is the assembler of the components and Best Sun is the seller.......please read my posts under BestSun Powerwall. I have one in possession that I am diagnosing.....much more detail in BestSun thread...

Thanx so much for posting the manual, I had slim to none info before....I have one 10kw unit in possession that I am evaluating but I’ve only had it several days. It is definitely not MidNite quality, ok I’m spoiled, I have MidNite gear....
Here is the catch......

From zoom

Searching for Best Sun Energy Co.:


Also the company has established cooperation relationship with World Inverter Company - SMA at the same year. Through the cooperation with those companies, the manufacturing and management capability of the company are promoted. The advanced production and manufacturing engineering process is improv... Read More





Update Company

1 name associated with this company: Alexander Tong
Last edited:
BestSun New Energy Co. Alexander Tong (a one person company)

BestSun New Energy Co., Ltd. A major distributor of solar panels based in China


Jiaxing BestSun New Energy Co., Ltd.

basically Alexander Tong is burning (Jaixing) BestSun for their name and riding on their coattails

there is no mention of the BestSun (Fution) powerwall on Jaixing BestSun website
BestSun New Energy Co. Alexander Tong (a one person company)

BestSun New Energy Co., Ltd. A major distributor of solar panels based in China


Jiaxing BestSun New Energy Co., Ltd.

basically Alexander Tong is burning (Jaixing) BestSun for their name and riding on their coattails

there is no mention of the BestSun (Fution) powerwall on Jaixing BestSun website
laughing his way to the bank?
Yep, he sold someone this piece of crap, Cheeto generic inverter/charger and very strange pouch cells........10 by 12 inch pouch cells! Pictures posted in Best Sun

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