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  1. Mannfamilywoodworks

    SPF-12000T-DVM-MPV vs. EG4 6500 EX-48

    Whispers… growatt
  2. Mannfamilywoodworks

    Tig welding

    Things almost silent. That’s a great generator
  3. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Okay Thankyou! I’m learning so Much. I appreciate you!!!! If calibration is needed which it seems my battery needed would it stay in this float voltage period for a long time? I set the charge cut off to %100 to deep cycle the battery. Low voltage cutoff is %30 I was told to do this for 7...
  4. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Thanks Buddy. Makes more sense
  5. Mannfamilywoodworks

    Growatt - Odd behavior

    I feel the same way. The only thing we can do to escape that feeling is do extensive research. Love it. Know it.
  6. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I’m sorry I’m trying to stay in these loops. What is AIO’s. What is the reason for float voltage? Does this charge the battery to that voltage and then restrict anymore from being charged?
  7. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Pretty much the same as the 6000t? Settings wise
  8. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I just saw someone say “two is one and one is none” Speaking about these batteries. I’m assuming I should buy another battery and get my system up to 10KWH opposed to 5KWH
  9. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Aren’t they fused at 10amps?
  10. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    jeez! I thought woodworking was bad. Growatt is set to LI battery. I am communicating with the bms. I think I’ve figured most of this out. Do you have the growatt 6k or 12k model?
  11. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I would imagine it would fry my multimeter and hurt me if I touched both ends of multimeter to battery terminals on inverter. Am I wrong?
  12. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Okay I see. So why do people call it the knees?
  13. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I’m afraid to hook a multi meter up to this when it has 48v+ being output in all honesty
  14. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I’m working on that haha
  15. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    What’s the knees?
  16. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Maybe this explains what it’s doing? I just don’t really understand. Can anyone explain what is going on?
  17. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Now battery is at %100 but charger light hasn’t shut off yet
  18. Mannfamilywoodworks

    Will generator work with Growatt?

    I’m currently charging my battery with generator only so yes it will work. Growatt 6K inverter Growatt 5KWH battery
  19. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Voltage seems to be going down slowly? Still at %99
  20. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Sorry other photos didn’t load. I’m in the woods.
  21. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Charging via generator for 1 hour 52 minutes so far.
  22. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Tim where ya at!
  23. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I’m sorry I’ve always wondered what IIRC means
  24. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I think charge voltages are pre set in lithium ion settings? Am I wrong?
  25. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Generator is a Honeywell 6500 240v output @ 30A
  26. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Does this look normal?
  27. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I think you’re right good sir and I appreciate you. I’m having trouble getting to %100 Any reason why? I’m also having trouble getting down low to %30 which is what sig solar told me to make my cutoff.
  28. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    I didn’t account for that if it’s not shown on the loads screen!
  29. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Hey y’all I think we’re on to something. I turned my generator on. Ac input breaker on. Growatt switch on. Waited a few minutes and the battery came out of protection mode. I’m just confused about this because the generator won’t charge the battery to %100 I’m trying as I type. Maybe it...
  30. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    It only turns on occasionally. It’s inconsistent. Last night it turned on for maybe 4 hours and turned off. I think you could be correct about the SOC. I couldn’t get the battery to charge to %100 ever actually. It’s only gone to %99 according to the inverter. There’s definitely SOMETHING...
  31. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Actually maybe there is hope for this little battery. It says right there. Remote firmware upgrades? Why wouldn’t anyone say hey you might need to update that battery. I’m just trying to keep the lights on
  32. Mannfamilywoodworks


    It says right there! Remote firmware upgrades…welp. That’s probably what needs to happen.
  33. Mannfamilywoodworks


    With battery disconnected it should raise to 48v with nothing connected? I tried that today and same thing.
  34. Mannfamilywoodworks

    GROWATT AXE C-1 battery.

    Inconsistent is the best words I can use for this. Looks cool. Sounds great. Performs terribly. In a singular configuration. I only have one. I have a 6KW inverter and a 5KWH battery that should work? Correct me if I’m wrong! Please! I learn more and more about how much these batteries… I...

diy solar

diy solar