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diy solar

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  1. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Reporting back, so I bought the config you guys suggested and it's all working great! But I have a question. The AC INPUT has an Earth wire which is internally connected to the chassis of the unit. But the AC OUTPUT does not have an Earth (see attached pic). Is Earth not supported on the...
  2. 1Watt

    Control charger watts?

    I found the Victron 24v charger has Bluetooth control and allows you to select between two current levels. I can automate this easily with an Esp32 microcontroller. However, its not a granular solution, pushing a variable current through an MPPT or PWM solar controller would make more sense but...
  3. 1Watt

    Control charger watts?

    I have grid tie solar at my house with no battery. Using a CT clamp i can track how many Watts I'm exporting at any given moment. Id like to use this excess power to charge a portable battery (eg a 12v 100ah LiFePO or 24v pair of 100ah batteries). Is there a charger that will allow me to...
  4. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    I've messaged the seller to ask if he has 4.
  5. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    ....and the ebay list for the batteries is dead :-(
  6. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Right, im going to order the Edecoa and pair it with the £150 gel batteries and see how it performs. Its such a cheap and easy option i think its worth a punt. If it doesn't work ill get the victron kit and separate inverter. Will report back
  7. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    That Edecoa unit is temping in terms of price, and it can handle 430v MPPT input! Which would save me a trip to the roof to re-configure the 4 panels in 2S2P configuration. However, I can't find a data-sheet, manual or review for it anywhere!
  8. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    You're not spamming at all, I really appreciate all of the input. This forum is full of generous smart people.
  9. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    I found this project on Github (see screenshot) that allows me to connect to the Victron MPPT via an ESP32 (ESPhome) and gather data via bluetooth, it includes battery current and voltage but not SoC (the smart shunt is required for that). I'm very familiar with ESPhome and ESP32 Arduino coding...
  10. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    On a cloudy day I'm going to be discharging the batteries via the inverter, how do I prevent the inverter from draining the batteries too much? Is there another device that can monitor the SoC/DoD and cut off the inverter to protect the batteries?
  11. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    I was trying to figure out that formula, thank you for this. I'm very tempted to get the Gel batteries, only £150 and I'm actually working in Manchester next week so can do the pick up. Even if they turned out to be the wrong solution for this project, they would be perfect for a battery backup...
  12. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    I was thinking forward to times when its cloudy/raining and i still need power. I did consider the lead acid battery option but i was confused about their charging properties, or rather depth of discharge, it reads like they cant store anywhere near their rated power?
  13. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Could you point me the direction of a appropriate part? Should I be using DIN rail mounted breakers like this? Or would one like this be appropriate?
  14. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Thanks so much for or the all of the advice guys, I. think I understand what I nee now, but I still have a few of questions if anyone is able to help. Here are the parts I'm currently planning on buying: 2 x Renogy Core-12V 100Ah Deep Cycle Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery £640.00 1 x Victron...
  15. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Hi @Hedges What loads do you need to power? Any big motors (which are difficult to start)? I have generally fairly low power requirements: iMac with dual screens which I measured at 400W peak but ~100W in general and ~5W in standby. TV 240W peak / 130 average. Lighting approx 50W max So 700W...
  16. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Hi @MichaelK Thanks so much for the detailed feedback, I feel like I've been schooled :) The SW4024 isn't available in the UK but there are lots of similarly specced units so I'll source one of those.
  17. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Great, thanks for confirming that. Do you think the mppt I suggested would be a good fit in that case?
  18. 1Watt

    Using existing panels to power off-grid

    Hi I recently moved home and at the bottom of the garden we have an outbuilding that I'd like to turn into a mancave but has no power (and no practical way to add grid power). The previous owner had a solar setup of some type as there are 4 x 400W panels on the roof, but no other equipment...
  19. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    I've been using this to decode the packets
  20. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    I've built an ESPhome SDM230 emulator but I don't have an inverter to test it on right now. It's working in so much as I can use a laptop to poll it with the requests from an inverter and it replies with ~valid results. If anyone wants to give it a try and offer feedback I'd be grateful...
  21. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    Did you see the recent ESPhome update that allows it to act as a modbus master AKA fake power meter? I'm actually considering scrapping my project and re-coding the whole thing using this instead - the example they show in the linked page...
  22. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    Thanks for posting the meter modbus data, it was the missing link in a project I started designed to emulate an Easron meter using an ESP32 I recently moved house and haven't had a chance to re-build my array, but with the data...
  23. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    Not sure if it's still relevant but I'm in the alpha stage of an Eastron emulator. The goal is to give you fine grained export control rather than letting the meter dictate everything.
  24. 1Watt

    ripple control signal receiver interface?

    Hi I hope this is the correct forum to ask this kind of question, if not please let me know. My Growatt MIN 3600TL-XE has something called the Power Control Interface(PCI) used by radio ripple control receiver (RRCR). Does anyone have an experience with this? It's described on page 27 of the...
  25. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    According to the manual here the Growatt MIN 3600TL-XE range requires a TOP_90-S10_SP4 CT clamp. Which outputs 0-90mA to the inverter. I'm experimenting with my ESP32's build in DAC to see if I can emulate the 0-32mA range. On a related note, on page 27 of the Growatt manual above it reference...
  26. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    OK I'm pleased that your mentioned the issue of too many writes to the EEPROM as I was planning to use this approach! I will try this anyway for a short time, just to see if it works. I now have access to the inverter RS485 modbus using this project, I flashed a D1-Mini with the sketch, plugged...
  27. 1Watt

    Raw RS485/Modbus logs from SofarSolar and Growatt meters in Zero Export context?

    Hi I'm interested to know if you got any further with this? I have a Growatt inverter (MIN 3600 TLXE) and would like to activate export control dynamically via RS485 rather than with a clamp meter. Using this project I've configured an ESP8266 with a MAX485 modbus interface and have it dumping...
  28. 1Watt

    Off peak grid tied storage with ac coupled inverter

    Thanks so much for your input Gareth, I'll find a primer on setting up the BMS with the LifePo batteries as those two parts are readily available. I can't find a ME3000SP anywhere, i think I'm a year late to the party! When your kit arrives it would be great if you could document the build and...
  29. 1Watt

    Off peak grid tied storage with ac coupled inverter

    It sure would be nice to have power during a blackout! :) Do you mind if I pick your brains? I'm still new to the battery side of things. Background: A couple of weeks ago I finished building my own grid-tie 2.4kW PV array with panels in my garden and a standard Growatt (non-hybrid)...
  30. 1Watt

    Off peak grid tied storage with ac coupled inverter

    Hi Gareth79, have you got any further with this project? I'm also in the UK and looking to do the exact same thing. Hoping to learn from your experience.

diy solar

diy solar