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  1. W

    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Yes, they are all at 15.17. CAN around 2 meters, RS485, the longest one is around 5 meters, and ran along with AC wires.
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Just checked the forum, hell yeah, the system was so stable I even forgot to check this post/forum. I even forgot your request of my voltage readings due to your software solving this issue already. Yep, all entities. Mode 2. @chaosnature I read your DM, sorry I was not able to respond in...
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    I'd like to thank you again, to txubelaxu's component, and to everyone who contributed to this project. You dont know how useful your project to my problematic system. I can sleep better now. I'm not encouraging anyone, and I'd like to make this project the way it is, an open-source, and I...
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    My multi-bms with JK-PB series are already in production, thanks to @Sleeper85. Very easy to work with, very well worth it. He will attend to you until everything gets solved, almost spoonfeeding.
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Sent you DM. Yes, that project is serving my monitoring thru home assistant very well. So maybe, datas collected using that project, can be used to implement your CAN project. Just like the other contributor that uses MQTT instead, but this one Im suggesting is a little bit more efficient in...
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Ok, so my equipments and batteries have arrived. I see multibms is being developed but still based on BLE / older BMSes. Anyway we could implement this on JK Inverter BMSes variants?: This is the most...
  7. W

    Sol-Ark 15K Battery Voltage Regulation Issues

    Exactly this point. I'm glad some people have their systems working as intended, but some of us have issues with a common denominator, 0.5V of unpredictable offset. Well... in my case, is predictabe and dependent with TOU and grid, I could have just use HAOS and be done with it but unreliable...
  8. W

    Sol-Ark 15K Battery Voltage Regulation Issues

    I would agree with you if its a matter of efficiency. But no. In my case, whenever TOU is enabled, it deliberately pull the voltage down, and when TOU is disabled, it pushes the voltage to where you set it. So clearly, something has offset in the firmware side, not an efficiency issue, or a...
  9. W

    Sol-Ark 15K Battery Voltage Regulation Issues

    This is weird really. Closed or open loop, doesn't matter in my case, there is always 0.5v offset below the requested voltage. Unless I disable TOU or when there is no grid. Gridtie with selling option.
  10. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    I beg to differ. It's not normal. Other systems dont do this. They give the voltage what you ask for. For an LFP battery, 16s to be specific, 0.2-0.5v offset is a big difference. 55.2v vs 54.7v, full vs not full. And this confuses the BMS, in the case of JK Inverter BMS, wont go into float...
  11. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Hmm. As the title says "weird". Im very sure of my findings. But yeah, our issues have correlation nonetheless. The main issue is, there is that magic 0.5v offset be it above or below, and yes, seems related to being grid is connected. In my case, its very obvious TOU is affecting it. However...
  12. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, this is not the case for me as I have updated my post previously. What firmware version are you? Im on the latest, as in just this month, 3386 / C36C. No matter how I set the TOU to 100%, there is still 0.5V offset, be it via CAN bus (Lithium Mode) or %...
  13. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Understood. No problem. Thank you for helping. I'm just hoping this wont mess up my incoming JK Inverter BMS. Imagine the mess when JK BMS is requesting 55.2V but Deye just gives 54.7V, how can JK BMS reach my balance target then proceed to float mode if it never hits Absorption stage? But...
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    This is great! Let us know how can we help (not coding definitely). My equipments have not arrived yet but already excited to play with this.
  15. W

    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Hi, sorry for the double post. Apparently, this repo was able to implement the multibms pulling of data of slaves just using the master bms using 1 esp. Can we make use of this to implement your charging/discharging logic?
  16. W

    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Im happy to hear this. We'll I guess, I'm just too early for the party and good stuff. Thank you all for making this wonferful project. I'll watch this progress and try to contribute the best I can.
  17. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Thanks for clarifying. So see, I tried to set the mode to % as you said setting it to 100% in TOU eliminates this problem, I can see it was set below 100%, then I set it back to V mode since I prefer it this way, % mode is very inaccurate and unreliable. So back to V mode, there is no way you...
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    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Upon reading more about this, it seems this is focused more on older hardwares. Is there any way you could support the JK Inverter BMS variants, especially it already has paralleling support, so maybe poll only from master bms? I would prefer your charging/discharging logic than the factory...
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    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Thanks for the clear graph. Pardon me, I'm just a little bit confused with your wording. You said "except with lithium mode and bms communication" but then you said -0.5V if you dont request 100% charging. I guess its not possible to request 100% with voltage mode in TOU if your float voltage...
  20. W

    JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

    Jeez, that was an unnecessary long read. Only saw the light of a tunnel from page 23 onwards. I was mainly interested with this. You see, I'm not by any means expert on esphome nor homeassistant in general, but these things are mostly what controlling my house light switches and such, so I...
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    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Oh, I guess firmware versions are at play here. Are you on the latest? My 5kW is on the latest 3386 / C36C.
  22. W

    Sol-Ark 15K Battery Voltage Regulation Issues

    Hi, I posted a related topic of this issue. This issue seems to be related with Time Of Use being enabled. This is very wrong. This should not happen. This is a huge issue that should be fixed as soon as possible.
  23. W

    Deye Weird Voltage Behavior When Time Of Use is Enabled

    Hi, I wish this topic finds you well. I wonder if anyone observing this issue. It seems that Deye doesn't respect the voltage parameters set from BMS nor the inverter itself (voltage mode). For example: Absorption or RCV in the case BMS comms: 55.2V Actual Given By the Inverter: 54.7V It...

diy solar

diy solar