diy solar

diy solar

JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

MultiBMS support is on the list for development in the next version, which @Der_Hannes has been involved with.
@Sleeper85 has been working on reconfiguring the code so it's more modular, making it possible to 'plug in' different functions like displays, multiBMS, etc.
In that matter, I think you guys need to keep it simple and modular, and also cheap. No fancy new boards etc, just one ESP32 per battery pack, one for the inverter and join all the data via LAN.
In that matter, I think you guys need to keep it simple and modular, and also cheap. No fancy new boards etc, just one ESP32 per battery pack, one for the inverter and join all the data via LAN.

This is what is being considered today.
In addition I will integrate it into PVbrain2.
The goal is to work as a team with code that is modular and can be adapted to several solutions.
This is what is being considered today.
In addition I will integrate it into PVbrain2.
The goal is to work as a team with code that is modular and can be adapted to several solutions.
Just ... Wow :oops:(y):love:.

I actually was planning on doing my own Strategy controller (Energy Balance) in Docker/Podman container using Python since I would need to control the charger separately anyway.

In my case, I guess I just want multi-bms communication. Relay control I guess anybody can just throw a sonoff or smth like that in as well if it wasn't part of the core hardware anyway.

But I'm sure this will be liked by many people as an all-in-one solution :). Keep it open and no ultra-expensive boards please, just like you have now.

I'd rather make some small donations here and there rather than having to pay 300$ for a board or something like that. Many people (DIY) will for sure be on board with that. For the other people, you can "target" them with an off-the-shelf (or almost) solution :).
Just ... Wow :oops:(y):love:.

I actually was planning on doing my own Strategy controller (Energy Balance) in Docker/Podman container using Python since I would need to control the charger separately anyway.

In my case, I guess I just want multi-bms communication. Relay control I guess anybody can just throw a sonoff or smth like that in as well if it wasn't part of the core hardware anyway.

But I'm sure this will be liked by many people as an all-in-one solution :). Keep it open and no ultra-expensive boards please, just like you have now.

I'd rather make some small donations here and there rather than having to pay 300$ for a board or something like that. Many people (DIY) will for sure be on board with that. For the other people, you can "target" them with an off-the-shelf (or almost) solution :).

Rest assured, we are all in line with the open-source philosophy. Even PVbrain2 is open-hardware but it still costs +/- $100 to print the board with all the components soldered. In addition there will be a “Peter Board” style solution.
Finally this still needs to be discussed within our group.
Rest assured, we are all in line with the open-source philosophy. Even PVbrain2 is open-hardware but it still costs +/- $100 to print the board with all the components soldered. In addition there will be a “Peter Board” style solution.
Finally this still needs to be discussed within our group.
Thanks :love:.

I'm so ashamed of myself as an electrical engineer :rolleyes: ... I solder so badly. Small stuff ain't for me :rolleyes:.

And I just noticed I forgot to order the AtomS3 CAN addon (I had only ordered the AtomS3 Lite sigh ... read your webpage too quickly) ...

Probably it's best to wait for that ... Otherwise I'm not so confident in using a veroboard/stripboard + solder the ESP32 + solder CAN adapter + plastic enclosure etc (although I have those components). Surely I can set up something ... but I guess the CAN hat with galvanic isolation is also safer.
Or maybe lazy man's approach like this 😅 ?


EDIT 1: doesn't really work as this piece of junk doesn't align properly (had to bend the pins of the ESP32 to fit it into the socket) ...

EDIT 2: Not pretty but could do it


Digikey has already shipped the CAN hat for the Atom S3 Lite though ... Uhm ... What to do now
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Or maybe lazy man's approach like this 😅 ?

View attachment 203027

EDIT 1: doesn't really work as this piece of junk doesn't align properly (had to bend the pins of the ESP32 to fit it into the socket) ...

EDIT 2: Not pretty but could do it

View attachment 203050

Digikey has already shipped the CAN hat for the Atom S3 Lite though ... Uhm ... What to do now
If I were you, I'd use the Atom S3 lite + CAN combo.
We're using that for internal testing and it's a slick, isolated CAN setup.
Jeez, that was an unnecessary long read. Only saw the light of a tunnel from page 23 onwards.

MultiBMS support is on the list for development in the next version, which @Der_Hannes has been involved with.
@Sleeper85 has been working on reconfiguring the code so it's more modular, making it possible to 'plug in' different functions like displays, multiBMS, etc.

I was mainly interested with this. You see, I'm not by any means expert on esphome nor homeassistant in general, but these things are mostly what controlling my house light switches and such, so I have a brief understanding with this.

So I have an incoming of around 7 battery packs, using JK BMS each, JK-PB2A16S20P. I believe this "inverter bms" has an inbuilt paralleling feature. I wonder if it would make any difference on implementing multi bms feature.

I wonder if this is supported? Nonetheless, I still ordered 10pcs of that AtomS3 Lite and 2pcs Atomic CANbus base. You know, I already prepped for it, without even confirming. It is what it is. I want to start playing with it as soon as everything arrives.

Yes you got me right - every slave needs to have that last will topic so the master can recognise if its available or not

I want to share my personal fork of syssi´s repo which is fully configured to work perfect with iobroker.
So all the topicsv of the slaves are in a certan order / structure....i was not happy with the default mqtt structure of esphome like /sensor/name/state

mine look like this:
View attachment 202206

For the meantime, I would like to study your implementation, good sir.

I wish you could share your repository and some ELI5 documentation for us on how to implement it, you know, like a step by step if you got the time.

Thank you everyone for making this wondeful project which these manufacturers could not effectively implement. This is all what we wanted from a BMS. You are lying if you dont like this project.

By the way, my inverter is SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU, 3pcs in parallel, if thats an important variable.

I also see that @Sleeper85 has implemented inverter offset due to Deye having 0.1V offset, which should be very helpful in my case. Since this issue is very hard to solve with Deye support, they seems to see this bug as a feature.

Though this is another topic, I'd like to ask how did you manage to get that little offset? My deye has an offset of 0.5V when TOU is enabled, but only 0.1V if it is disabled or when only solar mode (no grid). Here is the topic.
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If I were you, I'd use the Atom S3 lite + CAN combo.
We're using that for internal testing and it's a slick, isolated CAN setup.
I was trying to compile now with my hack solution but ... yeah ... it's ugly. And the non-isolated CAN makes me unease. I agree, the Atom S3 Lite + CAN is a nice combo. Also the RS232/RS485 HAT looks damn interesting. It's tiny !

But I'm at work tomorrow so I cannot control the battery remotely -_- ... The only thing I can do is turn the heat up to the max for my heating system and hope that will reduce the charging current in the battery 😅 .
Upon reading more about this, it seems this is focused more on older hardwares.

Is there any way you could support the JK Inverter BMS variants, especially it already has paralleling support, so maybe poll only from master bms? I would prefer your charging/discharging logic than the factory one. Yes, they have float mode and such, but everything is on timer. And it doesnt have the voltage offset for Deye's problem, and the flexibility of changing settings on the fly with HA or Web.

I'm sure some people are willing to donate for this, I'm one of those. If you got the energy to consider this, just private message me.
Upon reading more about this, it seems this is focused more on older hardwares.

Is there any way you could support the JK Inverter BMS variants, especially it already has paralleling support, so maybe poll only from master bms? I would prefer your charging/discharging logic than the factory one. Yes, they have float mode and such, but everything is on timer. And it doesnt have the voltage offset for Deye's problem, and the flexibility of changing settings on the fly with HA or Web.

I'm sure some people are willing to donate for this, I'm one of those. If you got the energy to consider this, just private message me.
Well... This software is based on syssi software which also support AFAIK the jk inverter bms. Therefore that makes it jk bms (or also potentially with other brands) agnostic, I. E. They should all work, once they add support for multi bms communication I think.
Upon reading more about this, it seems this is focused more on older hardwares.

Is there any way you could support the JK Inverter BMS variants, especially it already has paralleling support, so maybe poll only from master bms? I would prefer your charging/discharging logic than the factory one. Yes, they have float mode and such, but everything is on timer. And it doesnt have the voltage offset for Deye's problem, and the flexibility of changing settings on the fly with HA or Web.

I'm sure some people are willing to donate for this, I'm one of those. If you got the energy to consider this, just private message me.

As @silverstone said the communication with JK-BMS is based on the syssi project.
It seems that support for the new JK-BMS inverter is in the testing phase.

Start by trying to get the syssi project to work with your BMS and if it works then you can use our project.
Well... This software is based on syssi software which also support AFAIK the jk inverter bms. Therefore that makes it jk bms (or also potentially with other brands) agnostic, I. E. They should all work, once they add support for multi bms communication I think.

As @silverstone said the communication with JK-BMS is based on the syssi project.
It seems that support for the new JK-BMS inverter is in the testing phase.

Start by trying to get the syssi project to work with your BMS and if it works then you can use our project.
Im happy to hear this.

We'll I guess, I'm just too early for the party and good stuff.

Thank you all for making this wonferful project. I'll watch this progress and try to contribute the best I can.
Hi, sorry for the double post.

Apparently, this repo was able to implement the multibms pulling of data of slaves just using the master bms using 1 esp.

Can we make use of this to implement your charging/discharging logic?

I'm putting this on our todo list. It will be simpler with the packaged version which will soon be on our development branch.
I'm putting this on our todo list. It will be simpler with the packaged version which will soon be on our development branch.
This is great! Let us know how can we help (not coding definitely).

My equipments have not arrived yet but already excited to play with this.
If I were you, I'd use the Atom S3 lite + CAN combo.
We're using that for internal testing and it's a slick, isolated CAN setup.

In that matter, I think you guys need to keep it simple and modular, and also cheap. No fancy new boards etc, just one ESP32 per battery pack, one for the inverter and join all the data via LAN.
And allow JK-BMS integration with JBD (seen another project done this) - and Consider S3
V1.17.4 has been released on GitHub:

- Added "SMA" to CAN BMS names
- Added function "Auto Charge Voltage Control" to avoid OVP alarms and improve balancing
- Categorised sensors
- Set time source to SNTP
- Min battery voltage based on BMS value
- Added "Last Complete Charge" timestamp
- Renamed daily energy sensors
- Added input number display option (slider or box)

The main feature added to this release is 'Auto Charge Voltage Control'.
When enabled, the requested charge voltage will automatically reduce as cell voltage delta increases - this reduces the chance of cell overvoltage as well as providing more time for cell balancing to occur.
This feature will only be active if cell voltage delta is greater than 5mv (and if 'CAN Automatic Charge Voltage' is enabled).
Thanks go to Matthias U and Stuart Pittaway, creators of the original logic (found here).

For those interested, this logic calculates how much additional voltage is required for the max voltage cell to reach target. It will also compare all other cells, applying a weighting factor that should prevent any cell from exceeding target voltage.
The logic is not easy to grasp, so a helper spreadsheet is available here for scenario testing.

Final note, for any users using this code with a Solis inverter, I recommend setting the CAN protocol and CAN BMS name to 'SMA', then setting the battery name to 'AoBo' on the inverter itself.
This resolves an issue with the Solis implementation of Pylontech control, resulting in more accurate voltage regulation.
Yoooooo!! - I can't wait to get home and test this....sounds like many of my issues will be resolved with this update
great job - just seen this.
I'm looking very forward for @Der_Hannes implementation of this. Is there something I could do to help ? I'm really an ESPHome NOOB though :fp

@Der_Hannes : can you confirm that only CAN_H and CAN_L are needed on the inverter side ? Usually also CAN_GND is exposed on a CAN interface (I would suppose it should be tied to GND in this case, but maybe it's intentionally left floating to prevent a ground loop ?).
View attachment 202971
Will this config work with S3 - If so what would be the GPIO set ?

Also - has anyone successfully flashed the S£ with ESPHome? - no joy here yet
Will this config work with S3 - If so what would be the GPIO set ?

Also - has anyone successfully flashed the S£ with ESPHome? - no joy here yet
I could flash @Sleeper85 code on the ESP32 Devkit.

Or are you talking about @Der_Hannes code ?

There were some tips&tricks in the syssi forum/issues, where you need to increase the STACK size for (some?) ESP32 to work correctly.

My config for @Sleeper85 (although I will wait for those Atom S3 Lite + CAN hat now ...)
  name: ${name}
  comment: ${device_description}
    name: !secret project_name
    version: !secret project_version
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_charging
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_discharging
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_float
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_charge_current
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_discharge_current
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_charge_voltage


  • esp32-ble-1.17.4.yaml.txt
    87.4 KB · Views: 1
I could flash @Sleeper85 code on the ESP32 Devkit.

Or are you talking about @Der_Hannes code ?

There were some tips&tricks in the syssi forum/issues, where you need to increase the STACK size for (some?) ESP32 to work correctly.

My config for @Sleeper85 (although I will wait for those Atom S3 Lite + CAN hat now ...)
  name: ${name}
  comment: ${device_description}
    name: !secret project_name
    version: !secret project_version
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_charging
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_discharging
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_float
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_charge_current
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_discharge_current
      - switch.turn_on: can_switch_auto_charge_voltage
Sleeper85 code
Last time I tried it found that after flashing the devices don't get detected by Windows after.

I had to flash first use option - then add it to my network and then upload using web ip

But not only is it long process it also reverts back to wireless once plugged and unplugged

What process are you using with the EspHome - the normal process?
If there is a special trick please send link

Sleeper85 code
Last time I tried it found that after flashing the devices don't get detected by Windows after.

I had to flash first use option - then add it to my network and then upload using web ip

But not only is it long process it also reverts back to wireless once plugged and unplugged

What process are you using with the EspHome - the normal process?
If there is a special trick please send link

reverts to wireless ??? you have it wired ????
@chaosnature, the S3 lite has been tested internally (both wired and wireless versions) with the latest YAML code.
There's a separate folder in the GitHub repo called 'config' - you'll find the S3 lite instructions there.
Follow those, adjusting the main YAML as instructed and it should work for you.

diy solar

diy solar