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  1. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    GPS points for measuring the head and cross checked on google earth, originally when we sized it we were going to use a higher head but to avoid some extras being needed we went down to 60 m (which is powerspouts cut off as you've noted for the extras). Good question re the PSI change . I do...
  2. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    Than Thanks, it seems opening it up and checking out the mechanics is the only option left. We've also re checked the head, we ended up only going 60 m (supplier advised not to go more) so less loss still.
  3. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    All checked there, pipes pretty flat down a hill without much of a bend. Have also heard from manufacturer (who are overseas atm) but will advice when back. May be a few weeks away though and its now the middle of winter here so could really do with it working verse the genset :/
  4. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    We've not managed to open the back up yet, its not been the best weather here to do it. But did re check the voltage on both sides of the line, its 1 v loss along a 135 m run of cable (442 feet), with a reading of 48 V at the turbine when connected to the power shed. And 47 V at the powershed...
  5. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    Thank Thanks all, we will get onto testing some of this we haven't done and update.
  6. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    Thanks, yeah pipe is straight, its an almost straight path down a hill , any bends are to the contours and gradual. There are elbows at the turbine end but only as the hard to waters diverted to each jet but they're to powerspouts specs. You're math's is right. I was expecting a greater PSI so...
  7. C

    Microhydro Issues. At a loss.

    Hi, We have installed a microhydro system, using a powerspout PLT80 turbine, 70 m head, 140 m pipe run, Flow rate 3L per second. Pipe diameter is 55 mm. Cable is 25mm^2 2-core at 130 m long. Long length but oversized cable to reduce power loss. High head, low flow site. DIY setup, specs from...

diy solar

diy solar