diy solar

diy solar

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  1. C

    Newbie in need of help. Best setup for my EcoFlow Delta Pro solar system.

    Will I need the power hub and a transfer switch for this set up. Not planning on running anymore solar panels will just keep the 3 400 watt panels running to one power station in series and I’m pulling about 950 to 1050 watts for about 2 hours then 400 to 800 watts for about 3 hours where we are...
  2. C

    Newbie in need of help. Best setup for my EcoFlow Delta Pro solar system.

    Current set up is one delta pro power station, 2 delta pro extra batteries and a EcoFlow dual fuel generator with 3 400 watt EcoFlow portable solar panels. I got a free extra battery because Home Depot messed my order up. So I haven’t used the dual fuel as I can only connect the 2 extra...

diy solar

diy solar