diy solar

diy solar

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  1. B

    Impress your friends by using correct units and abbreviations

    c (lowercase) is a symbol for the speed of light (under specific conditions). C (uppercase) is the symbol for a coulomb, a unit of electric charge.
  2. B

    Impress your friends by using correct units and abbreviations

    Thanks for the reply, as I didn't know that was an option. I looked it up, and for MS-Word it is Ctrl-Shift-Space.
  3. B

    Impress your friends by using correct units and abbreviations

    I believe the speed of light is c (lowercase).
  4. B

    Impress your friends by using correct units and abbreviations

    Also s - seconds whereas S - siemens, conductivity (1/ohms) When I am peer-reviewing documents at work, many times I find myself writing up findings for the issues mentioned above. Another is adding hyphens such as writing "milli-amperes" instead of milliamperes. I agree with one of the reply...
  5. B

    ANL fuse?

    I would think that would be alright providing you have the fuse housed in a way that if it suffers a catastrophic failure it isn't next to anything flammable, and as Photon said, that there isn't any physical stress put on its terminals. Meaning the contact surfaces of the battery and shunt...

diy solar

diy solar