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  1. peterpan

    VMP temperature coeffecient of Bluesun 410W? (pdf included)

    Hi experts! Trying to find out the temperature coeffcient VMP for these panels but could not find in the datasheet. But it has a value that says -0,34%/C is that the same? The panels are these Blusun 410W panels, pdf link included and weblink...
  2. peterpan

    Does Deye Hubrid inverter have surge protection on Ac and CD?

    Feels like cake on cake to add more when not needed, I would never have put two in a row if it wasn't included.
  3. peterpan

    Does Deye Hubrid inverter have surge protection on Ac and CD?

    I should have checked manual beforehand, its built in
  4. peterpan

    Does Deye Hubrid inverter have surge protection on Ac and CD?

    Hi have the SUN-10-SG04LP3-EU hybrid inverter but does it have any surge protection built in on the Ac and DC side? or do I need external surge protectors?
  5. peterpan

    To much panels for Deye Hybrid inverter?

    I love this forum! Thank you so much @sunshine_eggo for taking time and calm me down, was worried I put up to much panels on the roof and would have to reconnect them into three strings. But now I´m calm. ? I will connect two Mason Seplos Batteries to the inverter. Will staple them on top on...
  6. peterpan

    To much panels for Deye Hybrid inverter?

    Hi all experts! I will have 28 panels in two strings (14 panels/string) The panels are these Blusun 410W panels, pdf link included. Pmax:410 Voc: 46.6 Vmp: 38.8 Isc: 11.07A Imp: 10.57A...
  7. peterpan

    What size of Copper bus bar between Seplos batteries?

    Inverter will maximum ask for 210 ampare
  8. peterpan

    My Seplos Mason 10.5kWh Battery Pack Have Arived!

    I'm interested if someone has connected the Seplos in Parallel with a bus bar and then to inverter. What size of bus bar? What did you buy and from where? I have seen this and would like to do the same with 4 pcs of 6.9kw Mason in parallel
  9. peterpan

    What size of Copper bus bar between Seplos batteries?

    Hi I Have 4 pcs of Seplos Mason that I would connect in parallel with tint copper bus bar like this My inverter is the Deye 10kw inverter SUN-10k-SG04LP3 (middle in pic below) it draws 210a charge/discharge Is it ok to connect 4 pcs of Seplos Mason batteries like the picture above and what...

diy solar

diy solar