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  1. K

    Figuring out overpanelling limit

    More less like that. It would be completely idiotic to build an inverter (or light bulb) that destroys itself because there is more current available. And even in that case temperature derating would kick in. Also, you need to calculate your "over paneling" with mppt voltage and current. Also...
  2. K

    EG4 6000XP high temp derating

    Most inverters start to derate above 45'C and shut down at 60'C
  3. K

    Why is my stoven always on?

    0.5W.. It's practically zero, CT can't even measure something that low (0.002A).
  4. K

    Why is my stoven always on?

    No device can randomly make current draw like that. It's ramping up for 3hours, then flat for 6 and ramp down for 3 hours... Maybe dehumidifier could draw like that following increasing and decreasing ambient humidity. Or some grow light.... For sure you don't dismiss if your stove is on at 500W...
  5. K

    Mixing Solar Panels

    So everything extra you get from bifacial is not in specs... If that's true, go like @sunshine_eggo wrote above
  6. K

    Mixing Solar Panels

    Depends if the specs are for single side or some certain combination of both sides..
  7. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    From post #4 I'm trying to tell, that grid tie is not your case. Ok, you need about 500w backup for 2-6 hours. That would be 3kWh battery. If that's all what you want, solar doesn't have any role in the game. You only need good 3kwh UPS to guarantee that you always have that backup
  8. K

    Connecting a removed inverter in the garage with panels on roof to consumer unit.

    With minor I referred Two grid ties feeding grid on signal to each other would be Major issue...
  9. K

    Connecting a removed inverter in the garage with panels on roof to consumer unit.

    I think that's a minor legal issue if you wire two grid tie inverters so that they don't switch off when grid goes down.
  10. K

    Connecting a removed inverter in the garage with panels on roof to consumer unit.

    They are probably not sufficient to power your Sunny boy, read the data sheet. If both inverters are grid tied, you are risking to create severe safety issue to yourself and to grid operator. Definitely not DIY job.
  11. K

    EG4 18kpv System Grounding

    Not true (but might work with my wife). It protects equally or better compared to rod next to your service panel, far from panels What that fuse operated faulting circuit suppose to do to PV panels?
  12. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    Sorry! ;) Looking for best solution, solar or not.
  13. K

    Requesting Feedback on Newbie Issue

    That's good if that battery can take 2+kW charge from generator. Otherwise it would be useless middle man in the setup
  14. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    Up to you, you described that you want grid tie system for blackout backup. I tried to read between lines... If solar, off-grid AIO is your way to go.
  15. K

    Requesting Feedback on Newbie Issue

    Ok, I see. 20lbs propane has about 120kWh of energy. Generator has efficiency about 20-25%, so about 25kWh. With 2.8kWh generator that doesn't modulate well, you get 9hours. The problem is that if you only need to power refrigerator, ceiling fan, led lights, cell phone charger.. you need less...
  16. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    Second not so fast. OP needs to think, if he needs a simple battery backup for blackouts or complete PV system to power his house.
  17. K

    Requesting Feedback on Newbie Issue

    If you need this about twice every 15 years, I don't think there is better alternative. Of course you could invest in beefy battery, but if it's staying unused for 99.9% of time, I see it waist of money. Why you need to swap tanks (out of disaster events), are they leaking?
  18. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    Grid tie means that your inverter is connected parallel to grid and does whatever grid does (tied). If grid goes down, inverter shuts off, if grid voltage drops, inverter drop voltage as well etc. You need UPS for blackouts. How many hours? Fridge and phone charger+alarm don't draw 2000W, not...
  19. K

    Grid tie with underpowered hybrid inverter

    Grid tie inverter is the only one that can't anyhow serve your purpose. You need an UPS or off grid/aio inverter with ups function.
  20. K

    Hello everyone from the Netherlands, Dear Diary...

    That's how they make money. They can sell inverter with competitive price and then make profit with wiring. For sure there is nothing special in that cable but if they have proprietary connector, you have to use it to guarantee water tightness. Otherwise out of warranty....
  21. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    I agree 100% with you, with those voltages at DC you don't have other options. But in case of 12/24VDC situation is different. Anyway, all relays and thermostats and contactors, AC and DC can fail. Many different ways and different outputs. In coil failure usually open, in contact failure often...
  22. K

    Hello everyone from the Netherlands, Dear Diary...

    I would never do that! What's the whole point if you don't count the price. ROI. I wrote local price, because most of us are not from Netherlands. Actually, I wrote that I don't think 10x micros are generally cheaper than comparable string inverter. What's so special about Enphase wiring, you...
  23. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    Important point to remember! Not just for thermostats, but for everything related to solar setups. Everything has to be rated to open circuit voltage.
  24. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    I was writing about relay, not thermostat. If a relay is rated for 250VAC / 30VDC, either I can use it for <30VDC, or I can't use it even for <250VAC. Even a thermostat at AC is going to fail after switching x times. That's why you can't setup a water boiler without pressure valve, better even...
  25. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    With a random heating element it would not work, for a reason I wrote in post #14. Matching your heating element carefully with your panel it would kind of work, but not getting out the full potential of your panel. In case, that energy was wasted anyway, it could be acceptable result.
  26. K

    Hello everyone from the Netherlands, Dear Diary...

    Lot of good arguments guys! Some of the best ones to my opinion are: -Shading -Flexibility in orientation I was not enough precise with my question, obviously I wasn't looking for to compare micros with hybrid battery inverter, just a plain simple string inv. You mentioned some battery...
  27. K

    Hello everyone from the Netherlands, Dear Diary...

    Since you have been doing lot of research and thinking, I'd like to hear your opinion. What are the pros and cons of 10 x micro inverter system vs string inverter of same capacity? Now 2024, excluding brands and local pricing etc. PS. I hope your believe of Eur/Usd rate is not gonna happen any...
  28. K

    Do solar panels degrade if being stored indoors away from light?

    Biggest cause of degradation is actually chemical reactions in (low quality) plastic layers (mainly EVA) and adhesives, heat/humidity/UV-light working as catalyst. Actual semiconductor layer is not degrading so much.
  29. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    No you don't. As mentioned normal AC relays are rated up to 24-30V DC.
  30. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    Second problem is that this calculation would be valid only on moment of full production. Vmpp of a panel is almost constant, but Impp varies from zero to max, so in practice even with perfect resistance matching, you still would be able to pull out of your panels maybe 50% of your max...
  31. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    You will have two problems with this setup, one worst than another. First, 600W 24V heating element is VxV/P =0.96ohm. Your panels Vmpp=20V and Impp=6A (wild guess), so at 20V that 0.96ohm resistor would ask I=V/R =20.8A from panel, which is not able to supply because it has max mpp 6A. This...
  32. K

    Water heating without charge controller or batteries

    Why? He was looking for to use one 120W 12/24V panel. Common AC relays are rated for small DC voltages, normally 24-30V. It's even written on the relay body, for example "10A 250V AC / 30V DC"
  33. K

    when connecting 3 panels in parallel my amps did not increase-volts stayed the same.

    Lot of confusion here. Obviously you can't measure amps with "voltage tester". You can with multimeter that has amperometer, up to it's fused current range. You can not measure Impp without MPPT controller connected. So from open panel wiring you can only measure Isc short circuit current (in...
  34. K

    Solar panel output

    What a delusion! Damn trees. I was hoping some ridiculous 20+ hours per day.. 😀

diy solar

diy solar