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diy solar

6000xp Weekly Generator Run

Powerpro batteries
What’s wrong with using the busbars built into the PowerPro batteries? Actual currents are low enough compared to the interconnect cables and internal busbars that I’m not convinced it’ll make much difference.

I tied my brain in knots trying to figure out how to integrate two 18Kpv and six PP Outdoor batteries with two ChargeVerterGC boxes till I realized that ‘just hook them up’ is a pretty good paradigm. The ChargeVerter is good for 100A, the busbars are good for 600A, the 18Kpv has a peak of 250A. I mean don’t be stupid, but I’m putting the 18Kpv above battery 1, 2 and 3 go in front of that, and the CV connects to 3. Adding more battery is just putting more in front of 3 and moving the CV to the (new) end. Ditto for the other 18Kpv and 3 more batteries, then connect the two wall-hung batteries together and Bob’s Your Uncle. _Can_ the batteries get temporarily (dis)charged to different SOC? Sure. But will they equalize? Also sure. All EG4 components, won’t even need to crimp my own Degson connectors unless the CV wires get too long, and then we’re still only talking 100A.
I believe best practice when exercising a generator is to load it up. Just starting it and letting it idle with no load is not ideal.
But isn't that what most generators are set to do? My Kohler runs for about 10 minutes every Friday afternoon, but not under load. Auto-start generators are common here in the boonies, and that seems to be the case for all of them. I agree with the idea that running under load periodically would be better, but as far as I can tell, it's not the normal test that manufacturers and installers set up for the weekly test runs.
What’s wrong with using the busbars built into the PowerPro batteries?
Well, I have that same question, but apparently there's a better way. I got a note back from Current Connected (a retailer I trust) that says they'll give me a diagram when we're ready to set it up. I have a couple of extra bus bars in the order based on their suggested design, so I figure I'll know soon enough. I suspect it may have to do with trying to keep the batteries better equalized. If EG4 is OK with having us just use the Powerpro bus bars for connecting the Chargeverter in a multi-inverter / multi-battery installation (something that's certainly not uncommon), I wish they would just say so. Otherwise, it's good for the bus bar folks, I guess.
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Well, I have that same question, but apparently there's a better way. I got a note back from Current Connected (a retailer I trust) that says they'll give me a diagram when we're ready to set it up. I have a couple of extra bus bars in the order based on their suggested design, so I figure I'll know soon enough. I suspect it may have to do with trying to keep the batteries better equalized. If EG4 is OK with having us just use the Powerpro bus bars for connecting the Chargeverter in a multi-inverter / multi-battery installation (something that's certainly not uncommon), I wish they would just say so. Otherwise, it's good for the bus bar folks, I guess.
I had the same discussion with SS, but when I pushed back on the requirement for bus bars, they went back to their technical folks and realized that the builtin busbars are fine. Might be that past a certain point (3 batteries per inverter?) you need external bus bars to meet some mythical Code? EG4 should make Degson Bus Bars!
You should always try to have some load on your gen during the weekly exercise. Why can't it be called to charge the batteries? Or take your solar offline and let the gen kick in once a week?
But isn't that what most generators are set to do? My Kohler runs for about 10 minutes every Friday afternoon, but not under load. Auto-start generators are common here in the boonies, and that seems to be the case for all of them. I agree with the idea that running under load periodically would be better, but as far as I can tell, it's not the normal test that manufacturers and installers set up for the weekly test runs.
Probably because there would be a momentary interruption in power in the house while it transfers from grid to gen (assuming no inverters/ESS in play).

For those with inverters/batteries/comms capable of starting a generator they can control the loads and seamlessly bring load on to the generator without interrupting power during regular testing.

Back in my data center days the generators would have integrated load banks to allow for regular testing without transferring the UPS units from grid to gen.

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diy solar