diy solar

diy solar

800w Series & Parallel Output?


Solar Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2020
Las Vegas & Pennsylvania
How do I work out how much peak sun I need for 8 panels wired in series & parallel to charge a 2400 watt hour battery?


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8 panels the same voltage as the 4 panels, just double the amps, thus doubling the watts.

4panels x 100 watts = 400 watts. 2400 watt hour ÷ 400 watt = 6 hour
4panels x 100 watts x 2 strings in parallel = 800 watts. 2400 watt hour ÷ 800 watt = 3 hour

There is a standard(ish) sticker on the back of the panel. The Vmp and the Imp, volts times amps = watts.

Memorize the equation. Volts times Amps equals Watts.

For practical purposes, the important number on the sticker of a panel (the data plate) is the Vmp and the Imp. (Volts and Amps).

IMG_20200115_155119353.jpg Module Sticker s-l1600.jpg Module Sticker.jpg
The sticker numbers are all based on the "Standard test Condition", also shown on the sticker.
Thanks! I'll study this, gives me more options for my verious setups.

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