diy solar

diy solar

Adding more capacity


New Member
Apr 11, 2023
Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
I've currently got 8x230ah eve battery cells configured in series to make a 24v battery pack, and it's great. Now I've recently been offered a used 250ah 24v battery at a pretty decent price.

Two questions:

1. I assume adding this in parallel will be fine and, in theory, I'll have a 480ah capacity?

2. Is there going to be any negative impact? For example, will my brand new, meticulously configured cells be dragged down by an older, more used pack?

Because the 230ah pack will stop discharging when it hits low voltage so the BMS will not be able to provide power to the loads. Best case the 280ah pack will balance and "recharge" the 230ah pack and you might keep your loads up.

Hopefully someone on here has run a similar system with different capacities and can tell us the real world results.