diy solar

diy solar

Any fellow British souls installing solar?

Love the idea of motorised angle for PV panels, but to get a true benefit panels need to be adjustable in X & Y axis to angle towards the sun during the day ( east to west) & angle to horizon ( summer to winter ). Benifits of only X is marginal.
Haven't worked out the KWH benifit, but curious of what the benifit would potentially be, have you figures of potential gain?
This is a good online tool for different angles versus gain.
I looked into this when installing solar thermal and raised the angle off roof for best all year performance.20220925_184606.jpg
Haven't worked out the KWH benifit, but curious of what the benifit would potentially be, have you figures of potential gain?

When I looked into tracking systems it looked like maximum of 25% gain for horizontal and 10% for vertical tracking. With the complexity and cost (and long term reliability) of moving heavy panels about, figured (for me) it wasn't worth it as panels are relatively cheap - so decided better just to put a few more panels in. I went for an "over-panelled" East-West configuration to maximise output at beginning and end of day or in cloudy weather.

diy solar

diy solar