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Are mail order brides from places like Ukraine considered sexual slavery and International sex trafficking?


Solar Wizard
Jan 5, 2023
Are mail order brides from places like Ukraine considered sexual slavery and International sex trafficking? Why does a 20 year old woman marry a 60 year old man. Does she love him for the sex or his money?

A guy knew went to Russia for a - mail order bride. Guy chose one from Romania: brought her back, married her, sent her to medical school, she had 1 child with him and brought 1 with her. She graduated got good job in hospital. They moved to California at her insistence and he bought a nice house. Guy then paid to bring her brother over ..... the brother lived with them for over a year.
Guy came home from work - early one day found brother having sex with sister - his wife. Found out they were actually married..... in Romania.... never got a divorce. Guy disappeared later Some ppl say GUY committed suicide ended up a john doe in morgue. Some say GUY might have been murdered and disposed of. Lot of ppl go missing in the USA and are never seen or heard from again. I will say she was a very pretty woman. WAY crazy given vast differences for age, likes-dislikes, and such.

So with all the women in the USA why would a GUY want to go marry a mail order bride from a foreign country?
Is something wrong with GUY? Or is it just business?

Read the words from the Ukraine linked website:

Ukrainian brides can offer men something that other women cannot. They are a different breed of women and that is something that many men appreciate. A woman from Ukraine loves and respects her man and she will do anything she can for him. Rose Brides has Ukrainian brides that will be able to give you everything that you ever dreamed of having. Our Ukrainian mail order brides are beautiful as well as dutiful. Ukrainian women take pride in looking their best under any circumstance. You will definitely notice and recognize a Ukrainian woman from her fashionable and fancy clothes, meticulous manicures, and artfully applied makeup. These women are extremely feminine and you will enjoy having such a beautiful creature alongside yourself. Ukrainian brides give men the opportunity to live in the way that the new world has seemed to have lost. If you are nostalgic for the simpler times, browse through our vast selection of Ukrainian brides. You will be able to find love and respect. Your life will become fulfilled as you marry the woman of your dreams.
About Ukraine
The Ukraine is located in Eastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea and shares its borders with many countries. Those countries are Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Slovakia. Almost 46 million people live in the Ukraine. While Ukrainian is the official language of the country, 24% of the residents speak Russian. There are also small Romanian, Polish and Hungarian speaking communities throughout the Ukraine for the minorities that live in the country."
You guys and gals realize Ukraine is about 18 - 25% ethnic Russian..... right?
After Epstein, all bets are off. Epstein scandal is probably a tip of the iceberg (notice how quickly the entire Epstein thing was scrapped under the rug in fact Plandemic was partially used to achieve this (and many other) goals ). It seems that the entire worldwide elite have been for a very long time participating in the "eyes wide shut" type practices (Which is not news to anyone with critical thinking skills).

Unlimited hangout has a great investigative series on Epstein Fiasco dating back decades. Very interesting read.

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I'm on my 60s with 16 years of military deployments, so I've seen plenty of foreign brides, and a few 'Mail Order' bride situations...

Out of about 30 military marrages I kept up with still being friends, not one was successful. All ended in divorce.

The few 'mail order' marrages I know about ended in horrifying divorces, real economic blowouts and crap fights. There have been half a dozen guys in a 3 country area that lost everything, got systematically cleaned out before the divorce.

I have a cousin, a tourism junky, that met his wife in (British) Hong Kong, they dated a couple years, she toured the US frequently and spoke English well. She's also well educated.

They are still married like 35 years now, and that's the ONLY foreign bride marriage I know worked, but she wasn't looking for a mail order husband, they just met on the tourism deals and got to know each other.

Admittedly, I'm no expert in the subject or the situation, so won't pretend to be one on the internet.

As for human trafficking, I can't say.

That would imply someone is being forced, and as far as I know the 'Brides' are legal age (U.S. State department does require documentation at the very least) and sign contracts, etc. Every opertunity to blow the whistle at the numerous encounters with government officials, state department, immigration, etc.

It seems more like a scam the 'Brides' are in on than human trafficking, but again, no expert.

After 16 years traveling the world in the military, I can tell you women line up to meet foreign men, and it doesn't have to be from the U.S.
You can have a LOT of adult fun abroad, and this isn't restricted to poor countries.

My U.S. rust belt, goofy farm kid 'Accent' got commented on A LOT in English speaking countries, and a fit young man will get noticed by young women anywhere... Just Biology...
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Out of about 30 military marrages I kept up with still being friends, not one was successful. All ended in divorce.

Whenever you are looking for a reason for a problem, it is always a good idea to start with you.
Mail order brides from places like Ukraine can be considered a form of exploitation, but not necessarily sexual slavery or international sex trafficking. In many cases, these women may choose to enter into these arrangements due to economic hardship or a desire for a better life. However, it is important to address the power dynamics at play, as the imbalance of power between a much older man and a much younger woman can raise concerns about exploitation. While some women may marry older men for financial security, others may genuinely develop feelings for their partners. It is not fair to assume that all relationships between young women and older men are based solely on sex or money.
Mail order brides from places like Ukraine can be considered a form of exploitation, but not necessarily sexual slavery or international sex trafficking. In many cases, these women may choose to enter into these arrangements due to economic hardship or a desire for a better life. However, it is important to address the power dynamics at play, as the imbalance of power between a much older man and a much younger woman can raise concerns about exploitation. While some women may marry older men for financial security, others may genuinely develop feelings for their partners. It is not fair to assume that all relationships between young women and older men are based solely on sex or money.

Like with everything, there are of course exceptions
But in this case, it is safe to say that 99.99% do it for money.
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Red pill, black pill, MGTOW, passport bros... Modern western feminism is bearing fruit.
Most advise those looking for traditional brides not to bring them to the states, but to move to their country and avoid western influence.
Land of the big PX BX USA Soldiers that went to Korea and rescued a working girl (prostitute) and brought them home were usually divorced in 5 years. Their Korean wife would bring over family, get citizenship, work on base, have kids and then around 5 year mark divorce for a minimum of 50% or more. Some of the Korean wives picked up extra money doing old business in new country while husband was deployed. We referred to it as the 5 year asian plan
Some marriages lasted but not many.

About same for GI marrying women in Europe - coming to States.

Back then a GI would lose top secret security clearances by marrying foreign women.

The Ukraine women described in initial post says, they are a special breed to be obtained to serve. Hahaha it is right out of their ad. Go up and read it as quoted there.

I really don’t see any young woman in her teens being attracted to a 50-60+ year old man Except the money. It is prostitution … marriage is a contract that use to favor the woman in event it was broken. Depends on State Law…. for marriage union and divorce.
What are the standard marriage vows?
Martha Stewart suggestions:

Are marriage vows contractual…. What if broken?

Is traditional marriage out dated as a concept? Why sign a contract live in a State where there is no common law spouse.

Equality changes things in ways most ppl might not like. Viagra did the old women win the law suit against viagra ? Think Their claim was their men went after younger women.
At this point theres probably a shortage of young (military age) males in Ukraine, shouldnt be surprised there are good looking women seeking men in other countries.
In other breaking, incredible news, the sky is blue and ice is cold.
If I had the funds and wanted the drama that goes along with the poontang I guess Id be shopping.
I dont have two nickels to rub together and dont give a shit anyway. Too much porn on the internet as well. 51855a45b437ef749e80288a3d0998f3~c5_720x720.jpeghere is your average ukrainian female. For $100 she will be loyal to you for life. She claims to have had no plastic surgery. I have a bridge in brooklyn... (Tiger Slavena) if you care.
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Btw the guy that picked up former Russian Romania wife in initial post was into her around $15,000- $20,000 upfront .

That one has some big HUGE lips. I’d want to at least test drive a few times before making a big purchase. Never marry a woman you have not danced with. She got big lips…..
be cheaper to get call girl in Las Vegas. Do they still offer legal hookers in vegas? Just be on lookout for some guy with no reason to carry shitload of guns in and shoot the place up. Still no motives for that. Hmmmm.. bump stocks banned.

Las Vegas hookers gambling alcohol biden cocaine party time. Cheaper then ukraine.

Might be best to see if there is a LEASE PLAN and TRADE IN OFFERED
What is the depreciation on that one?
Pumped silicon lips is the latest trend among the celebs in Russia.
Its amazing how many actually pretty girls have ruined their faces with silicon lips procedure.

Video is in Russian, Russian celebrities, before and after

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Not sure why women want to destroy their natural beauty. Shrinks use to say “women did not dress up for their man but in competition with other women”. Ever been out with woman and she acts crazy because another woman is dressed similar. If she liked the other woman it is flattery. If she dislikes the other woman it is stated as “bitch”.

One is a real air head the other wants to be….which is cheaper. Competition If you buy a woman a set of tits then she will show those new tits to everyone. Next time a woman says she had boob job ask to see them.

It is amazing for stated trends - “men get more plastic surgery then women”.

Any of those penis enlargement advertisements work?
If your weirner was 16” long and bigger round then your wrist would you get more dates? Would you enjoy sex more with a bigger weiner? Why do they have all those weiner enlargement advertisements - some one is subscribing … or they would have stopped.


Btw the guy that picked up former Russian Romania wife in initial post was into her around $15,000- $20,000 upfront .

That one has some big HUGE lips. I’d want to at least test drive a few times before making a big purchase. Never marry a woman you have not danced with. She got big lips…..
be cheaper to get call girl in Las Vegas. Do they still offer legal hookers in vegas? Just be on lookout for some guy with no reason to carry shitload of guns in and shoot the place up. Still no motives for that. Hmmmm.. bump stocks banned.

Las Vegas hookers gambling alcohol biden cocaine party time. Cheaper then ukraine.

Might be best to see if there is a LEASE PLAN and TRADE IN OFFERED
What is the depreciation on that one?
Hookers havent been legal in vegas for 3 decades at least. You had to drive to a ranch in another county. Like most any place you can however call an escort but she isnt supposed to have sex. Nowadays its all online but stupid expensive. At my age I no longer care and have pretty much done it all.
When I was in the Navy we had a yearly det to NAS Fallon NV (Topgun moved there when they gave Miramar to the Marines) and there is legal prostitution there. The place off base was called the chicken ranch. There was a bar you can just drink and play pool or go back with one of the girls. Showing my age it was $40 in those days. The same thing I paid a girl at a bar in a hotel outside NTC san diego the weekend I finished boot camp.
Funny thing me being 17 at the time I suppose she could have been charged with a crime, statutory rape.
Nowhere have I seen prostitution so prolific as in Hollywood in the early 80s. Movies from that time show it pretty well. For about a 5 mile stretch of both Sunset and Hollywood blvds, at any time of day or night but especially friday and saturday evenings, you would see up to a dozen hookers on every corner. Block after block after block. Good looking ones.
By the end of the 80s, AIDS and Reagans moral majority put an end to all that.
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Land of the big PX BX USA Soldiers that went to Korea and rescued a working girl (prostitute) and brought them home were usually divorced in 5 years. Their Korean wife would bring over family, get citizenship, work on base, have kids and then around 5 year mark divorce for a minimum of 50% or more. Some of the Korean wives picked up extra money doing old business in new country while husband was deployed. We referred to it as the 5 year asian plan
Some marriages lasted but not many.

About same for GI marrying women in Europe - coming to States.

Back then a GI would lose top secret security clearances by marrying foreign women.

The Ukraine women described in initial post says, they are a special breed to be obtained to serve. Hahaha it is right out of their ad. Go up and read it as quoted there.

I really don’t see any young woman in her teens being attracted to a 50-60+ year old man Except the money. It is prostitution … marriage is a contract that use to favor the woman in event it was broken. Depends on State Law…. for marriage union and divorce.
What are the standard marriage vows?
Martha Stewart suggestions:

Are marriage vows contractual…. What if broken?

Is traditional marriage out dated as a concept? Why sign a contract live in a State where there is no common law spouse.

Equality changes things in ways most ppl might not like. Viagra did the old women win the law suit against viagra ? Think Their claim was their men went after younger women.
Marriage is absolutely broken as an institution. Whats the divorce rate now? When we are young we convince ourselves we are in love and will have a storybook wedding and marriage... What a fucking waste of time and energy. I married at 26, we had lived together a couple of years prior. Divorced in 3 years. Got engaged again at 33, luckily didnt follow through on that, she was fucking insane.
But theyre the most fun in bed.
I think back at my ex wife and how miserable I would be had I stayed married all these years.
My former best friend married my ex wifes best friend a few years after my wedding. They met because of me knowing my wife. Theyre still together today, probably because he was so awkward he was still a virgin, and has been puss whipped ever since. When he is around her he completely changes into a eunuch. Calls her these pet names like "bunny" in an effeminate voice. Shes always been the primary breadwinner.
Id be puking but they just paid off their house, are putting their kid through college so what do I know? I know they havent been doing it for many years.
I can sit here all night with my wanker in my hand looking at internet porn and nobody can or would even care to stop me.
Since only about 2% of men my age could even think about sex with their wives without projectile vomiting, Id say this kind of freedom is priceless.
However can you imagine a society without marriage, couples, and families? Men just banging women as long as they were consenting... Women raising the children themselves... Government subsidized I suppose. Nutty.
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Marriage is absolutely broken as an institution. Whats the divorce rate now? When we are young we convince ourselves we are in love and will have a storybook wedding and marriage... What a fucking waste of time and energy. I married at 26, we had lived together a couple of years prior. Divorced in 3 years. Got engaged again at 33, luckily didnt follow through on that, she was fucking insane.
But theyre the most fun in bed.
I think back at my ex wife and how miserable I would be had I stayed married all these years.
My former best friend married my ex wifes best friend a few years after my wedding. They met because of me knowing my wife. Theyre still together today, probably because he was so awkward he was still a virgin, and has been puss whipped ever since. When he is around her he completely changes into a eunuch. Calls her these pet names like "bunny" in an effeminate voice. Shes always been the primary breadwinner.
Id be puking but they just paid off their house, are putting their kid through college so what do I know? I know they havent been doing it for many years.
I can sit here all night with my wanker in my hand looking at internet porn and nobody can or would even care to stop me.
Since only about 2% of men my age could even think about sex with their wives without projectile vomiting, Id say this kind of freedom is priceless.
However can you imagine a society without marriage, couples, and families? Men just banging women as long as they were consenting... Women raising the children themselves... Government subsidized I suppose. Nutty.
The govt self destructed the family in 1960s with feminism which lead to open queers…. Remember all that constant Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King news banter?

Feminism queers. Bobby riggs dressing up too. ☹️ Of course there was direct naming FLIP WILSON show which was about black tranny and number slot for few years. Queers and tranny aren’t new they have just been weaponized.

The marriage - union has been severely damaged. Probably beyond repair. What happen with marriages before women got their EQUAL RIGHT PLUS ANOTHER 10-20%? and right to at least 50% + of everything else? Queers fought for their Rights to be married so when read about a celebrity getting seperated divorced from their queer other and losing most all their shit it is a laugh. They asked for it.

I have not thought of Las Vegas in long time never been there. Friends use to bring back match books that had call girls listed on them. 🤣😀🤡
Match books printed up with call girls hahahaha

Most kids 18 up probably never seen a match book. Much less one with advertising for a hooker.

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