diy solar

diy solar

Axpert Max cooling


New Member
Aug 15, 2022
What temperature could be considered safe for an Axpert Max (as reported by the inverter itself)?
Mine is installed in a small shed and easily crosses the 55°C threshold which solar assistant reports as the beginning of the "orange zone".
Today I even saw it come close to the 70°C level before the "red zone".
I tried installing a couple of fans on the wall at one side of the inverter (next to what looks like an air filter) so to push air outside of the shed but this does not seem to make much of a difference.
Should I be worried? Any suggestions?
70°C seems a bit too high for my liking. Think I'd be trying some extra active cooling.

My EASun 8kW (on the left) is outside but under a wide eave and is well protected from weather.


We are a mild to hot climate. This is the temperature data for it since February:

Screen Shot 2023-08-21 at 10.29.27 am.png
These have a dust filter to avoid dust getting in during active cooling. I would check first if that is clean.
Depending on where you are insects can get inside and start causing problems. Dissasemble the covers and visual inspect it, blow compressed air to get the dust off if there is any.
Also their specs indicate that they need 20cm (8 in) of clearance from any objects to each side, if they are mounted too close to anything that could compromise the air flow.
And if they are in a small shed check in the ambient temperature inside is in the the operating range of the inverter.
Put a thermometer inside the room and see what the ambient temp is where the unit is installed.
If that is high...install a small AC minisplit.

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diy solar