diy solar

diy solar

Better panels and other questions


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
NE Texas
I'm new to this forum, but not new to electricity. Though I'm connected to to the grid, I'm looking to put together a 12KW off-grid system. Using all the online calculators I've found so far, this will allow for about 1.5KW of overhead. I'm thinking this should run my small 2-bedroom house with A/C. I have backup generators if necessary. My maximum watt load would be 15KW. My watt-hour load for a 24hr period would be 33,200. I live out in the country in NE Texas. Though winters are mild and rarely get below 20 degrees fahrenheit, it can get nasty hot here in the summer. It was 99 here yesterday.

My primary question for now is regarding the 12KW package systems recommended by Signature Solar. Which one do you folks like for my application? And, would the Aptos panels be better than the others offered in these systems? I have plenty of ground room for panels. Thanks in advance. I'm doing a lot of reading trying to overcome the curve.

diy solar

diy solar