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diy solar

Between Anker F2600, Ecoflow Delta Pro or Bluetti AC300. Can you geek out? Help me decide?


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
Hi All. Sure would appreciate your help.

I will be living in a stationary RV, completely off grid, while building my small home over a couple/few years.
Will you help me sort out which may be best?
Here are some things that could help you hone in-

I need to have enough power to be able to run a small window unit air conditioner 5000BTU on ocassional hot days for us and my animals if we are out. It draws about 450-500 watts.
I already have a Bluetti AC180, capacity 1152 which can power the A/C unit for a couple hours, BUT it can only take in 500 watts max solar input. SO that won’t work for the A/C, though it can power many other things in the RV with 1800watts and 2700 surge.

So, I need one that will run the A/C, with enough solar coming in, that could be run and be fed at the same time, so I don't have a dead battery at night.

I’m inclined to go for a largish one like the Delta Pro (or AC300), because I could use it for my home as back up later on, and it could give me some wiggle room with extra battery capacity now. However, do I actually need it? Sales right now make them affordable, but, well, here are some of my considerations-

1) WEIGHT -I’d rather not have a super heavy one- seems ecoflow is the heaviest.
It'd be cool if a unit is portable, but if not, I can always get some kind of cart or make something that'll do the job.

2) PANELS & SOLAR CHARGING - Since I will be totally off grid, I will only charge from the sun, on a good exposure south facing slope.
I'd prefer to hook it up to RIGID panels as high a wattage per panel as I can go that will fit within the power station's input parameters. I guess I could do 200 watt panels, but I am also trying to limit size of array so i can mount them somehow on mobile trailer or ground mount.
Would any of these units present problems or limitations in solar charging? It seems the Anker does, but I'm not sure


smaller unit with 2600 seems pretty cool in a lot of ways, is lightest, and is expandable

CON- has got weird solar input specifications 60 VDC, and has XT60 (which seems unsafe to have those ports open and exposed). Suppose I could get an MC4 adapter? Or?
PLUS it seems the 1000 watt solar input can only really be achieved through their panels, but I might be wrong?
Are you able to explain how to make this safe and achieve high solar input with rigid panels?

Anker F2600 and 2000 expandable battery -I can get up to 4608wh for $2448 on sale now!
More portable at 45 lbs for the battery and 69 lbs for the unit. I can manage that on my own. plus the expandable handle on top makes so much more sense than Delta Pro on bottom.

Looking good, except will this serve me as home back up later? Yeah, on it’s own, but not sure about supporting a transfer switch and adding it to my home wiring…

CON- HEAVY, so heavy. 99 lbs I won’t be able to lift that myself. So its only portable once somebody else helps me get it down if I have to move it.

I’ve heard poor customer service. I think ANKER might be better there?

Plenty of power at 3600w at sale prices $2199!
But less capacity of the Anker combo above (4068wh) for just $250 more- (so an extra hour of air conditioning.)
UNLESS, efficiency and use in real life application of the Anker actually doesn’t play out at higher.

1600 watt solar input seems like more than enough for the A/C +, but what about future home backup? Probably, I'd assume

Bluetti AC300
CON - I’ve heard poor customer service. I haven't had to use it yet with my AC180
The 30 amp plug is NOT actually 30 Amp, but i guess that is negligible for my RV, but what about home?

WIN- the solar input is the winner by FAR with 2400w and TWO input ports,
BUT I hear that the inverter eats power with no load draw on it while in idle. Is it significant enough to eliminate it as a choice? Is the Delta Pro or Anker really better on that front?
Not as powerful as the 3600 Delta Pro at 3000, but does that really matter?

$1999 sale!

Whatya think? Thank you kindly for your input and help.

P.S. I also hope to add solar system with individual components for the home, but thought something simple and at least portable would be best for now. And with sale prices the portable power stations seem to be the ticket for now.
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diy solar