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diy solar

Boviet Bifacial Solar Panel


New Member
May 3, 2024
Has anyone used Boviet bifacial solar panels? How are they holding up? Do they produce the power advertised? Any problems with them?
Solar panels are now commodity. Most of them would work without any issues. Nowadays choosing a panel depends on availability and price. So if you are getting goid price I'd so go for it without worry. Just get a few extra panels than you need as a backup.
I just purchased (16) Boviet 450 bifacial panels a few weeks ago.
Just got all 16 of them up and running the other day after relocating my solar array.
First impressions...
Not impressed - not yet anyways.

Old system -
(10) Solarever 455 watt panels in a single EG4 inverter configuration.

New system -
(16) Boviet 450 watt (bifacial up to 540watt) panels in a EG4 240volt split phase configuration.
(8) panels per inverter.
Total pv system output 7200 watts.

With the Boviets I can't run the AC in my RV without cycling the batteries. The power output vs power draw is almost dead even.

When I had the (10) Solarever panels in the single inverter configuration I could run everything I had including the AC in the RV and my water transfer pump with battery charging power to spare.

I've only been on this new configuration for a few days so maybe I have some settings or adjustments to make but on the face of things, not very impressed with the Boviets yet.

My plan was to get 32 Boviet panels for a total pv output 14,400 (7,200 per inverter).
Even though this new configuration is days old, right now I'm not sure how I want to proceed.

I think in all honesty I should get myself a meter and start checking actual values and see if there any issues.
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While cleaning up my disaster of a mess from all the wire remnants with all the electrical work over the last few days, I noticed that I didn't spread the load evenly across the breaker panel.
I jostled a few breakers around and now the total load is close to 50/50 as I can get.

The host inverter is currently dedicated to the RV with a 30amp shore power connection.
The casita (house) is now dedicated to the slave inverter.

This will be the case until the RV is no longer needed. Then I'll have to shift the loads around again for the final phase of my total construction project when the 30x40 garage/shop gets hooked up to the system.

With this adjustment things improved significantly. I was able to run the AC in the RV full tilt all the way until the sun went down today.
At the same time the slave inverter was just pouring power into the batteries.
Usually the batteries don't get fully charged until sometime around 1-2pm. Today the whole rack was at 100% by 12noon.

I guess I was a little too quick to judge.

The only thing left at the moment (this phase of construction) is getting the EG4 mini split (24k BTU) hooked up and we'll see how that all pans out.

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diy solar