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diy solar

CALB CA100 Cells....YR-1030+ Says 0.22mR to 0.27mR But Capacity Test Results All Over the Place


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
I work for a company that salvages lithium cells from batteries and we recently got some CALB CA100's. Capacity testing is all over the place from pretty much 0 to 99Ah. Weird thing is all the cells were near nominal voltage when removed from packs and while I know the YR meters can't read sub 0.3mR/0.5mR cells accurately they all had very very similar readings in the 0.22mR to 0.27mR range.

From my understanding this isn't even possible. At the end of a cell's life (80% SOH typically) is when AC IR begins to the cells showing 12Ah, 7Ah, 19Ah should be well over 0.30mR.

I'm beginning to wonder if the testers we use are starting to fail on more than just the charge cycle (a few channels are no longer able to charge). The other issue might be that we are charging them at 50A.....I know on Friday the plan was to set the next cycle for 20A.
Testers we are using:

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