diy solar

diy solar

Connecting my Jakiper 48 5.1 to Sungold Power 6k inverter for the first time


New Member
Oct 6, 2022
I saw on a vid by Will P that you need to connect a capacitor to it first?
Oh my ... I'm even more confused ? The battery(48v) has a current charge of 12v so well depleted ... can i not just connect my inverter to it (has an in built charger and get going?
Ok so this is what i found if anyone else is a newbe and concerned connecting the bigger inverters ...
Apparently for a 48v INV you need a 10w 470 ohm resistor to precharge the INV before the full connection
to the batteries ... or a 240v 100w light bulb : )
Thanks for the link 420.

diy solar

diy solar