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diy solar

Did I damage my inverter or batteries?


New Member
Jan 3, 2023
I have a Eg4 6.5kw-6500ex 48v inverter and 3 eg4 life-power4 batteries, I threw the wrong breaker and back fed ac power to the inverter. Now batteries trip to fault, and inverter shows 6p. New to solar, but not bad news.
I have a Eg4 6.5kw-6500ex 48v inverter and 3 eg4 life-power4 batteries, I threw the wrong breaker and back fed ac power to the inverter. Now batteries trip to fault, and inverter shows 6p. New to solar, but not bad news.
More info needed. You back fed the AC input or output? Wiring diagram?
Solar is in the barn working fine, I wanted to see if i could run the pump in the house, i turned off main breaker in the house and ran solar to that box worked fine. I turned on main breaker to house without disconnecting solar, BMS fried? Thanks
Solar is in the barn working fine, I wanted to see if i could run the pump in the house, i turned off main breaker in the house and ran solar to that box worked fine. I turned on main breaker to house without disconnecting solar, BMS fried? Thanks
When you say solar is in the barn I'm assuming you mean the inverter, panels and batteries?... A diagram or photos would be very helpful.... So you fed/backfed AC from the inverter/solar in the barn to the house panel with the mains off and the pump ran, then you turned the mains on with the inverter/solar still feeding AC to the panel and the out of sync phases collided resulting in scent of magic smoke?
If the above assumption is correct you likely fried alot more than a BMS.
Did the mains breaker trip after you flipped it back on? What does the manual for your EG4 state for the error you are seeing?
When you say solar is in the barn I'm assuming you mean the inverter, panels and batteries?... A diagram or photos would be very helpful.... So you fed/backfed AC from the inverter/solar in the barn to the house panel with the mains off and the pump ran, then you turned the mains on with the inverter/solar still feeding AC to the panel and the out of sync phases collided resulting in scent of magic smoke?
If the above assumption is correct you likely fried alot more than a BMS.
Did the mains breaker trip after you flipped it back on? What does the manual for your EG4 state for the error you are seeing?
The main did not trip. when i got back to the barn I disconnected the solar to the house, the inverter was running in bypass on acv, in the barn still had power to loads. all 3 batteries were tripped, tried to reset and reconnect to inverter with com cable, there was allot of clicking from batteries and all 3 trip-default code is 6p, battery is not connected. I think BMS is done, inverter is still running i will try user-defind tomorrow see what happens. thanks
I do hope it all lives, but I'm not holding my breath :(

Signature Solar are active on the forum so they may be able to offer insight and a way to a (reasonably) economical fix.

Rest assured that you are not the first (and certainly will not be the last) to shove energy where it's not supposed to go!
To all Thank you for responding to my call for help. Checked batteries this morning and seem to be good:), one bad inverter is better than 3- bad batteries. I am 69 years old and new nothing about solar, not even a smart phone. I did this project by my self, I could not find anyone who wanted to work, not even electricians. Even with this mistake I am happy with this project. If anyone from Signature solar could advise me on inverter repair or replace? And again Thanks
If inverter was not active with AC voltage output nothing would likely happen, but if inverter was active and you jammed it against an out of phase AC source it can blow out the PWM H-bridge IGBT devices.

This is a picture of PWM sinewave generation H-bridge IGBT's that was subjected to grid applied to a running asynchronous inverter output. It also sometimes takes out the IGBT input gate opto-isolator driver devices.

By the way, an input transfer switch that immediately jumps between a generator and grid can do the same thing.
You have to let the inverter disconnect its pass-through relay on AC input before changing AC input source which can take some time for inverter to recognize AC input has gone away, leaving the pass-through relay engaged, subjecting the inverter to an abrupt AC input phase shift between generator and grid phase.

Output IGBT H bridge.jpg
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