diy solar

diy solar

Distance from Panels to controller?


What r u new? Yea.
Feb 3, 2020
Hi all! noob here. I'm so happy i found Will on YouTube! Ordered a ton of parts yesterday... so the fun begins later this week.

My biggest question right now concerns the distance between the panels and the controller. I'd really like to mount them to my shop roof, which means 15' down, and 65' of pipe, and then maybe 15-20' to the "spot for the batteries". So, i'm thinking 100'. Thoughts on that? both now, with my 2 panels (see below), then later when i want more panels. The other option was to put everything in my shop (although i hate to give up space there), and ship the AC back to the house. I also want to run some 12v in the house, longer term, so I'm not sure I like that route.

I bought pretty much everything in Will's 24v 40watt RV setup, as a start, with the exception of buying 2x 170watt panels instead of the 4x 100watt panels. This is so i can play a bit, and figure things out before dropping money on more panels. And batteries... because i have some crazy ideas of making my own out of an ABC 188v 25mh Lion box that was going to go in my older Prius to make it plugin, that I bailed a while back. i will be it apart to tearing apart... wish me luck, and seeing if I can amass a 24v bank out of the cells. ;-). If the Prius battery bank thing doesn't work, i will probably either build Will's DIY 24v LiFePO4, or buy a pair of Battle Borns... or something. But for now, i will have 2 car batteries, for the learning phase, while I frankenstien.

The short term is to have plugin battery storage for outages, with solar coming on as i learn more, but this year.

The what i don't know i don't know is pretty high now, so please excuse my ravings.

thanks for any help on answering my "where do i put the system" delema.

-eric in the northwest.
Ok, i see from other posts, that i should just gauge the wire properly. Thanks to those of you that read my diatribe. ;-)
You got it. Thick wiring and all is good :) Use by a solar setup always a well gauged wiring and always good components. Don‘t waste any Wh of solar power, it‘s valuable.
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diy solar

diy solar