diy solar

diy solar

DIY LiFePO4 ... from scratch


Solar Breakdancer
Apr 5, 2020
I spent a little bit of time searching and couldn't find any resources for this.
I've made several solar panels from damaged solar cells sandwiched with glass and eva and they are still working years later.
They are UGLY but they work. So I'm curious, is it possible to make an oversized, hideous, rediculous looking home-brewed LiFePO4 battery?
After seeing videos of spikes shoved in these batteries and the spike-drivers being OK I'm wondering if this may be a safe chemistry to "play" with?

Before you flame me, I'm not talking about a refined nano-meter production or even successfully something that can initially power a home.
I'm thinking 1st stab, something that can run some LEDs and be rechargeable; maybe 5AH and gigantic. Basically the Potato battery of LFP.
I have a homemade (copied and mod'd from online) PWM charge controller, PIC controlled, I could could change the code/components to handle something more specific like this.

Thanks in advance for any ideas, links, etc.
Are you talking about ripping apart cells, and altering the plate design to output specific volts? Or are you talking about stacking pouches together to build your own battery bank?
Are you talking about ripping apart cells, and altering the plate design to output specific volts? Or are you talking about stacking pouches together to build your own battery bank?
I'm talking about making pouches then going from there.
I.e. getting Lithium, etc. and making it all.
Its really not something that one can do in a homebrew'ed shop. It takes customized equipment to do pretty much every step in a very controlled environment. Lithium by itself is an very delicate metal that deforms easily and is soft and gummy, doesn't want to cut without smearing. Not to mention its highly reactive to water.

Nothing is impossible but I think you will spend 100x the cost of just buying one than just trying to make one.