diy solar

diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

Just put him on ignore. He's not clever enough to make engaging him entertaining.
I had him on ignore for a long time ... and still mostly ignore him, but he tries to get away with bald-faced lies if you ignore him altogether.

I have seen transgenders described as anywhere from .04 to .6% of the population. In the last five years, transgenders have committed 1.3% of mass shootings.
This means that they are committing mass shootings at somewhere between 2 and 32 times the rate of the general population.

So, it's a simple fact that they are more violent than the general population ..... One theory is that the hormone imbalances from the meds they take may be the reason they have a greater tendency toward mass shootings.
I think it would be impossible to be a trans individual and not have more psychological problems and people who commit a mass shooting must be a deeply disturbed individual.
I had him on ignore for a long time ... and still mostly ignore him, but he tries to get away with bald-faced lies if you ignore him altogether.

I have seen transgenders described as anywhere from .04 to .6% of the population. In the last five years, transgenders have committed 1.3% of mass shootings.
This means that they are committing mass shootings at somewhere between 2 and 32 times the rate of the general population.

So, it's a simple fact that they are more violent than the general population ..... One theory is that the hormone imbalances from the meds they take may be the reason they have a greater tendency toward mass shootings.

Yes. And don't forget the connection between anti-depressants and mass shooters. Its nearly a 1:1 relationship.

Those people are often under "treatment" for depression.

They are the living walking definition of a narcissist. If you don't reflect back to them what they think they are, they want to destroy you.
Leo .... we are not impressed with your meme diarrhea.
Of course you are not, you want to persecute a group of people because they dare to dress in a way that you find inappropriate for their genders. And this comes from the crowd that opposes the wearing of masks, the only item of clothing that is meant to reduce harm to others, because it is "anti freedom".
In the last five years, transgenders have committed 1.3% of mass shootings.



The law stipulates four types of abuse: physical, sexual, neglect and psychological.

Inciting fear by telling children they will go to hell if they do not participate in religious activities, or preventing them from making decisions about their career path, is regarded as psychological abuse and neglect in the guidelines.

Other acts that will constitute neglect include not having the financial resources to provide adequate food or housing for children as a result of making large donations, or blocking their interaction with friends due to a difference in religious beliefs and thereby undermining their social skills.

I have seen transgenders described as anywhere from .04 to .6% of the population. In the last five years, transgenders have committed 1.3% of mass shootings.

What is 3 divided by 178 .... actually a little higher than I said.
That would be 1.7%

There have been 3,561 mass shootings since the beginning of 2016, if you divide 3 by 3,561 you get 0.08%

diy solar

diy solar