diy solar

diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

From Senator Berg video “Minor attracted ppl” = (MAPs) = pedo… they are trying to decriminalize pedo with new wording..

All over twitter before Musk …. Are they still on twitter - X.

Did this get brought up by Congress at anytime - Pedo ring on twitter? Pizza gate is looking real. I am starting to think Pizza gate with child sex murdering adrenochrome are all real.


Fauci nih is all into this
Minor attracted ppl wanting to study it to-take away the Stigma.

I think the NIH needs to-be scrubbed with a blow torch…. There are all kinds of links to NIH.

The common thing is to take away the public Stigma Itake that as normalize child sex with adults. These-ppl have gone to far.

March will be the 1 year anniversary of the Nashville Tranny that murdered 3 children and 3 adults and we still do not have the stated manifesto.

Are they going to lock that manifesto away for 60 years? I think the ppl violating the FOIA to obtain the manifesto should now be brought up on criminal charges.. it has been almost a year.
March will be the 1 year anniversary of the Nashville Tranny that murdered 3 children and 3 adults and we still do not have the stated manifesto.

Are they going to lock that manifesto away for 60 years? I think the ppl violating the FOIA to obtain the manifesto should now be brought up on criminal charges.. it has been almost a year.

You will never see that.