diy solar

diy solar

Ecoflow Alternator Charger inside Home?


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
SE Michigan
Hi all,

New here and just purchased the Delta 2 with the extra battery. I then learned of the alternator charger they make and had an idea. What if I keep the charger inside the house and run the wiring out to my car for a temporary charge when needed? This would avoid the need to buy a gas or propane inverter generator and I can keep the Ecoflow charged as long as the vehicle has fuel, on an as needed basis?

So the included cable with the charger is #6 wiring and 15 ft long. I would need about 25-30ft total to make the run out the door to our vehicle. Obviously that would present a potential resistance/voltage drop issue. But let's say I lower the charging watts down to 600w or even 400w (if possible, I have not read the manual yet) wouldn't that take care of any potential voltage drop/resistance issues?

Just spitballing ideas and look forward to thoughts on this.

Thanks all.

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diy solar