diy solar

diy solar

EG4 18Kpv generator dry contacts not working?


Solar Joules are catch and release
Jul 6, 2023
Turks & Caicos Islands
While I had fhis working before, I can no longer get the Generator dry contacts on my 18Kpv to close.

It feels like a software (or cloud) problem, is anyone able to get the EG4 cellphone app or the website to activate the “Start GEN Exercise” function? You don’t even need a generator or any wiring, just see if you can get the software to acknowledge that it’s started the 20-minute generator test.

On mine it pops up the success window but after a few seconds offers me the start option again.

Didn’t work on FAAB-1A1A, tech support upgraded me to FAAB-1B1C (yeah, and borked my offgrid setup), now want to downgrade me to something they claim is the gold standard.

If anyone can make this work, please tell me what firmware you are running!
While I had fhis working before, I can no longer get the Generator dry contacts on my 18Kpv to close.

It feels like a software (or cloud) problem, is anyone able to get the EG4 cellphone app or the website to activate the “Start GEN Exercise” function? You don’t even need a generator or any wiring, just see if you can get the software to acknowledge that it’s started the 20-minute generator test.

On mine it pops up the success window but after a few seconds offers me the start option again.

Didn’t work on FAAB-1A1A, tech support upgraded me to FAAB-1B1C (yeah, and borked my offgrid setup), now want to downgrade me to something they claim is the gold standard.

If anyone can make this work, please tell me what firmware you are running!
I'm having the same issue, though I have a generator connected. I use a chargeverter for now, but would like the 18kpv to work got gen boost function. Also on 1b1c.
I'm having the same issue, though I have a generator connected. I use a chargeverter for now, but would like the 18kpv to work got gen boost function. Also on 1b1c.
I've escalated to the next level of tech support, hopefully it doesn't take them too long to sort things out. I've gone to the full @timselectric ChargeVerter scheme by setting the output voltage to 52.0 volts and leaving them on all the time. Kinda wasteful, but it looks like it'll prop up the batteries to around 25 percent at night, and shouldn't draw much power when the sun is shining.

Even the automatic generator run functions are broken, I set it to start at 50% SOC and stop at 60% just to see what would happen, and when I woke up at 2AM SOC was 40% and dropping. Sigh.

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