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diy solar

EG4 18Kpv Help


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Hey Everyone,

I just have a quick question about the operation of my EG4 18Kpv that I must be too dumb to understand.

I have the 18Kpv between my meter and main load panel (Meter on the GRID input and load panel on LOAD). I also have a decent sized solar array (16kW) and a very small battery (10kWh) plugged into their respective ports.

My problem is this: I don’t want to sell power back to the utility and every time I am running low on battery / solar power the inverter keeps flickering on and off. I was hoping that there would be a mode where the inverter could use the available battery / solar power and seamlessly supplement with grid power.

If anyone knows if the 18Kpv can do this, or of another inverter with this feature please let me know.

Thank you!

diy solar

diy solar