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diy solar

EG4 6000XP Grid Feed


New Member
May 2, 2024
Calgary Alberta Canada
I’m looking to add a EG4 6000XP to my home. I’m currently selling all my solar power to the grid then buying back what I need. Transmission fees are killing me. So I thought adding the 6000XP would make sense. My goal is to feed the house and only send the surplus into the public power grid. I’m finding people saying yes they use it this way and yet some other ls say you can’t use the 6000XP that way. Some definitive answers would be appreciated…
What part of "off grid" is not clear? Note: You may be able to put it between your existing solar and the main panel for additional solar. The existing solar will export to the grid. But, the 6000xp will NOT export to the grid.

What part of "off grid" is not clear? Note: You may be able to put it between your existing solar and the main panel for additional solar. The existing solar will export to the grid. But, the 6000xp will NOT export to the grid.

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It’s been suggested that using the 6000XP is exclusively for off grid. I want to be able too run on batteries part time, while the batteries are full I want to send the surplus power from my solar array to the grid. Currently I have a two way meter and I sell everything my PV system creates to the city grid. I then buy back the power from the grid to run the house.
It’s been suggested that using the 6000XP is exclusively for off grid. I want to be able too run on batteries part time, while the batteries are full I want to send the surplus power from my solar array to the grid. Currently I have a two way meter and I sell everything my PV system creates to the city grid. I then buy back the power from the grid to run the house.

There has been no suggestion -- it's just a hard fact. 6000XP can't back-feed the grid.

No one knows the details of your setup, no doubt what you want to accomplish is possible, but the 6000XP isn't going to be part of feeding anything back to the grid.

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