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diy solar

EG4 inverters thermal shutdown overheating


New Member
Sep 20, 2022
Happy Saturday to you solar fans! I finally got my system setup about 2 months ago. (2 EG4 inverters and 6 Lifepower4s). Everything worked perfectly for a month However now that we’re coming into spring I’m getting shutdowns daily around mid day. Solar Assistant is showing the inverter is getting to 85C right before the shutdown. Super hot! It’s in an air conditioned room. I’m curious if it’s possible that because I’m in Jamaica operating at 50 HZ that could effect the cooling fans speed? Thoughts?
Your room is too hot OR your rooms ventilation is not implemented/working.
And don't close the door to the room they are mounted in...
Your room is too hot OR your rooms ventilation is not implemented/working.
And don't close the door to the room they are mounted in...
The room is 78F. I don’t have a ventilation system at all. Didn’t know that was required.
Does It stay at 78? Basically, can your AC keep up with the inverter heat load?
Yea the AC is a brand new mini split I installed just for this purpose. It’s 75F in the room and the inverters just shut off.
Do the cooling fans work? I'd be surprised if the filter clogged up in 2 months.

Seems like this would be a concern for the manufacturer/vendor, if the unit is only 2 months old, should be under warranty.
The filters were filthy!!! I think that was the issue! I’m offsite otherwise I would’ve noticed. I’m having them cleaned. Thanks for the help everyone. I’ll post back with the results ?