diy solar

diy solar

Extending windshield washer resovoir to roof panels


New Member
Apr 19, 2024
I just had a crazy idea to install a washer resovoir splitter at the driver side (closest to the pump) washer arm and run an extension hose up to the roof panels with nozils strategically placed over to spray cleaner fluid.

Dirt and pollen are such a problem where I am, I'm thinking this could actually work.

What I like about this idea is, you usually engage the windshield washer when the windshield is dirty. If the windshield is dirty, the panels are too.

So it gets both done with the same fluid. Both are glass that needs cleaning.
I just had a crazy idea to install a washer resovoir splitter at the driver side (closest to the pump) washer arm and run an extension hose up to the roof panels with nozils strategically placed over to spray cleaner fluid.

Dirt and pollen are such a problem where I am, I'm thinking this could actually work.

What I like about this idea is, you usually engage the windshield washer when the windshield is dirty. If the windshield is dirty, the panels are too.

So it gets both done with the same fluid. Both are glass that needs cleaning.
How are you going to scrub them like your wipers do?
How are you going to scrub them like your wipers do?
Good point... Maybe if I want to go all out,

A raspberry pi powering wiper blades cut to size on motors timed after the spray with a moisture sensor

Or more accurately a pressure sensor activated raspberry pi that engages relays to power the wiper motors

Like you have a pressure reading piped in up near the panels, a script on the pi that engages the wiper motor relay after a delay when pressure in the windshield washer reservoir is observed
dirty panels are not the end of the world, in fact there as been some studies on the refracting effect of dust when the panels are not in optional orientation [ie like on a vehicle]
Good point... Maybe if I want to go all out,

A raspberry pi powering wiper blades cut to size on motors timed after the spray with a motion moisture sensor

dirty panels are not the end of the world, in fact there as been some studies on the refracting effect of dust when the panels are not in optional orientation [ie like on a vehicle]
Yeah maybe an adjusting solar rack pivot would probably yield better results

diy solar

diy solar