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diy solar

First Attempt at DIY Grid-Tie Design


New Member
May 18, 2021
Hi All!

You guys were super awesome in helping me design and convert my Ryobi Zero-Turn mower over to Lithium. That post completely blew up and helped a ton of others as well. Well, now I am getting ready to install my first Solar System! It will be on my garage roof (unfortunately facing west or east because my "other half" doesn't want them on the front of the house). My current plans are to put it on one side of my 4-car garage with a 10/12 pitch. I want to use two rows of (7) 445W to 460W Split-Cell panels into a 5kw Growwat MIN 5000TL-X Grid-Tie Inverter. I designed everything on Signature Solar and it came out to around $4700 with mounting. I have an existing 240V 30A circuit in my garage that I will use for the Tie-In to the electrical panel. According to PVWatts, I should get a very quick payback period of around 4-5 years. Is this about as cost effective of a solution as you think I can design or do you have other suggestions/options?

Also, before anybody asks... I live in Ohio, I have checked what is required for permitting with both the county and the electrical company (a COOP) and it is fully allowed for the homeowner to do it. They also support Net Metering up to full usage but this should only generate me 7000kwh per year. Should be enough to cover two electric cars forever and then some for us.

Thanks in advance!
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Ok… Another question. Is there an good way to survey for shade obstruction? I’m wondering if there is a Raspberry Pi script or anything out there that could monitor a panel output throughout the day. I’d like to get the optimal output from the E vs. W installation and do have some trees.

diy solar

diy solar