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diy solar

Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Power Input Read "LO"


New Member
May 11, 2024
Belize, C.A.
My Yeti 1250 is over 8 years old. It has worked well for me. However, a few months ago the Yeti 12t0 would not charge or stay on if the AC power adapter was disconnected. So, I decide the Yeti 1250 needed a new battery and/or new power adapter. I purchased both.

Now I am told by Goal Zero Support the input module wattage reading "LO", no wattage going into the system means the Yeti 1250 port is bad. The "Out" does show the wattage being used. In speaking to Goal Zero Support and I told the Yeti 1250 parts are no longer carried by Goal Zero nor supported.

Does any one know what I can do to restore the module or acquire a new one? I need and used case that works, supply source or DIY fix.
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