diy solar

diy solar

Good By AGM, Hello Lithium.


New Member
Sep 25, 2021
Hi all; Over the last 12 months my agm batteries have started to fail. These were 2 x 12 volt 220 ah Pure Energy batteries. One was bought in Dec 2018 and the other was bought in March 2021. Yes i know one should not mix batteries of a different age. Both batteries lived under the bed of our caravan and looked after by a Victron smart charger and a Victron solar controller. When not useing our caravan our caravan was always pluged into mains power at home.

But after a while my batteries started to lose power and two the point over nigh my system had shut down. The last time is what done it and ended up useing a generator to try and bring the batteries back into a bit of life. After nearly 6 hours of the generator runing, we had enough power for a couple of hours, that is untill the batteries died yet again . The wife was not happy to say the least.

These at the time these batteries were i thought not a cheap battery and cost in the order of $550 each, so $1100 was spent. These batteries only had a 12 month warrentee. My last agm battery that was given to me years ago was already 2 years old and with me lasted 3 caravans and a further 7 years. That battery dies due to a couple of cells dieing.

I ended up going back to the company that i purchased the batteries from and all i was told that these batteries only have a 12 month warrentee any way and looks like your batteries have had it!!!! The company was not very helpfull to say the least ( in other words we have your money and tuff luck ).

The company tested the batteries for me and charged me a further $30 for each battery tested , so a further $60 down the drain. The testing done
said that my batteries were at 20% capacity.

I ended up selling the batteries to the local scrap yard for a sum of $45.They weighed 60 Kg each. So a very exspencive exersize on my behalf. I was offered replacement agm batteries at a further cost of $600 each!!!. A big "no thank you" from me.

In the end i found a good deal on a Voltx 12 volt 300 Ah battery on "catch" last week and with a 20% discount with a 5 year warentee. I have even emailed Voltx about these lithium batteries and yes the do have a 5 year warentee.

But now and after resetting the Victron system to the lithium profile, all seems fine. Just want the weather to improve and take our caravan out for a bit of a shake downtrip and see how well the neww battery goes.

diy solar

diy solar