diy solar

diy solar

Growatt 12000T shutdown after batteries charged.


New Member
May 2, 2021
Having some issues with this unit. Until 3 days ago I had 1 array hooked up. I now have 3 arrays and it has added charging capacity that was needed desperately. The problem I seem to be having is once the batteries are fully charged the inverter shuts down output for approximately 15-30 seconds and then continues on. It has done this for the last 3 days. Once in a while it would randomly shut down but it was tolerable. Obviously this is not an ideal situation as I have to reset clock's and coffee makers and such. I have set the inverter on UTL, SBU and SOL, each setting for one day to see if the unit still shuts down, which it does. My arrays consist of 3 identical 3s2p. 2 arrays on the inverter and 1 array on a seperate growatt charge controller. Each array faces a slightly different direction. S, SW, W in order to provide the best scenario without shading. Any help would be great, thank you.

diy solar

diy solar