diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPF 3000TL LVM-24P now has 48v default settings


New Member
Jun 26, 2024
Jackson, TN USA
I have dual Growatt SPF 3000TL LVM-24P inverters wired in parallel split phase that have been running pretty good for over a year. At about 6:26am this morning, both inverters gave a battery low error code in the Shinephone app. When I checked on the system, battery voltage was over 25V, but inverter 2 was giving a 56 fault code (battery connection open). The unit was still powered up which didn't make sense. I powered everything down and then back on and the fault continued. When I checked all the settings, I found that all the defaults were set for a 48V system and I am unable to change them. Any suggestions?

diy solar

diy solar