diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPF5000ES and two different batteries in paralel


New Member
Oct 30, 2023
Hi all, sorry in advance, if my topic is already discussed here. I face a problem with two lifepo 51.2V 100Ah batteries connected to Growatt SPF5000ES. I am not able to start communication with both batteries. If I connect only one of them through RS485 everything is OK, even first one use L01 and second L02 in menu 18 of protocol settings in inverter. I have set on dip switches address 1 and 2 for batteries, interconnect them through RJ45 RS485 connectors for paralel operation, but I am able to see always only one of them (depending where is BMS cable connected and wich protocol is chosen). Batteries are nonamed Chinese, better say, one has logo LVFU, second one is totaly nonamed. I have BMS tool for second one only - working well, but with first it did not working, even through rs232 connector. I do not know how continue with more deep investigation.... Is there any universal BMS tool where I can switch different protocols ? Or open battery and check physically BMS module (due to possible different pinouts) ? Or any other idea ? thx

diy solar

diy solar