diy solar

diy solar

Has anyone checked out Living Energy Farm "Daylight drive" systems? inverterless, batteryless 90-120VDC systems


Solar Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2022
These people are really living a low impact lifestyle. They also have a small business selling LED lights and Nickel Iron Edison style batteries. It's probably not everyone's idea of the good life, but they are really doing some interesting stuff figuring out how to live a comfortable life offgrid with minimal cost. The basic idea is they have strings of PV set up as microgrids that directly supply unregulated DC to their blowers for their passive house heat, well pump, shop tools, super insulated electric oven, and refrigeration during the day only. They have two large Nickel Iron Batteries to run 12V loads like lighting, laptops, and a router. Anyway, I just wanted to see what people thought about it. Here's one video but they have a few more if you look through the channel. The style is a little unusual, but I think they have some interesting ideas.

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thank you for sharing, i will check it out.

interesting concepts that you mentioned