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diy solar

Has anyone used the PECRON E2000LFP


New Member
Aug 14, 2023
I've noticed that they offer a fantastic price for the black PECRON E2000LFP, and there's also an extra 5% discount coupon available. I'm not entirely sure if this aligns with my two-week solo travel plans. The main appliances I intend to use include a car refrigerator, coffee maker, one cell phone, a Dell laptop, camping lights, a 1200W grill, and a small fan. I'm aiming to find a 2000W power supply for under $1000.
I have an E2000LFP and like it very much but with most things, you need to use it as intended.

The coffee maker and grill are your largest electric items by watts. In general, anything used for cooking, heating or cooling will use plenty of electricity eg 1000+ watts (easily 1500+).

Knowing that, you just run one electric hungry device at a time.

Other points
-It is heavy at 50 lbs.
-Yes you can move it but after a few times, you won't move it anymore
-having a compact turn key solution is priceless when in a pinch
-you cannot find a pure sine wave inverter with 2kwh battery for less
-please note 2kwh is really small as you get your feet wet into solar
I have an E2000LFP and like it very much but with most things, you need to use it as intended.

The coffee maker and grill are your largest electric items by watts. In general, anything used for cooking, heating or cooling will use plenty of electricity eg 1000+ watts (easily 1500+).

Knowing that, you just run one electric hungry device at a time.

Other points
-It is heavy at 50 lbs.
-Yes you can move it but after a few times, you won't move it anymore
-having a compact turn key solution is priceless when in a pinch
-you cannot find a pure sine wave inverter with 2kwh battery for less
-please note 2kwh is really small as you get your feet wet into solar
Thank you for the response!
Considering my lower back strain, it seems like adding a trolley to my purchases is quite necessary. that the grill is the main power-intensive appliance and although will be used for a short duration, it might be wise to evaluate whether purchasing the E2000LFP with the EB3000 expansion battery is more suitable? or if acquiring a couple of solar panels would be a better fit?
I'm struggling with this right now.

Yes, you are right! I've been searching for quite a while within my $1000 budget, and pecron E2000LFP pricing seems to be the most favorable for me. Many individuals have also recommended their products, possibly reflecting a trend where, post-recession, people are opting not to invest excessively in brands that are deemed renowned.
If you are looking for a turn key solution, then the EB3000 add in battery is very versatile and can be used together with the E2000LFP or separately.

Try to search for reviews of the combo. I vaguely seem to remember the while the idea is good in theory, there are some quirkiness. Both batteries may need to sync voltages or something.

In practice you turn the setup into a stationary unit. Yes you can still move it around but it's won't be convenient.

This brings me to the next major realization. Unfortunately a $1000 budget gets you only so much. In your case, grilling for probably 20 minutes will consume about 25% of the battery capacity (1200w x 0.33 = 400w). You'll be search for a charging source fairly quickly eg need to charge every day. If you treat it like a phone that needs to charge every day or 2 days then you'll be fine. This depends on how far away you will be from civilization / electricity.

Next, solar panels are a required addition. They normally come in 100w to 400w sizes. Best way that I imagine the size is a 2x4 ceiling tile for the 100-200 watt panels. The individual 400w and above sizes are huge eg 6ft tall. Also, portable panels look and sound good, but they are not durable and can easily break. Traditional panels are more durable but not as easy to stow away. Regardless, you will need to dedicate some safe storage space. My personal preference is to buy traditional panels. They are more durable and half the cost of portable panels and take up similar space. I like the top solar 170w x 2 kit in Amazon for $200 when they go in sale. Comes with the necessary cables. You do need to buy a small MC4 crimper kit, generic brand with 20 plugs is $30.

Car charging is always an option but it is slow at 100w (really 80w when supplying 12 volts).
Forgot to mention, if you go larger and less turn key, a server rack battery comes in a steel box, weighs 100 lbs, is not easily moved, and has 5kwh of energy. Price is about $1600 ($1400 + $200 shipping). Combine it with an all in one inverter and you'll be in the $2500 price range.

This is a different approach that provides more energy but requires more some more work. Not sure if that is your approach
Appreciate your patient assistance! Indeed, considering my current limited budget, I've opted to purchase the black E2000LFP 400W solar kit, which comes at just $1399 USD, and after applying the 5% discount coupon ALLCPMOR , it's only $1329! Adding the two 200W panels to the mix, this is a price point I can afford. It truly seems like an incredibly cost-effective option. I'm eagerly looking forward to using it, and I'll be purchasing the EB3000 later in the year once my bonus comes in. I can't wait to start using it. Thank you so much for all your assistance and effort!
I have an E2000LFP and like it very much but with most things, you need to use it as intended.

The coffee maker and grill are your largest electric items by watts. In general, anything used for cooking, heating or cooling will use plenty of electricity eg 1000+ watts (easily 1500+).

Knowing that, you just run one electric hungry device at a time.

Other points
-It is heavy at 50 lbs.
-Yes you can move it but after a few times, you won't move it anymore
-having a compact turn key solution is priceless when in a pinch
-you cannot find a pure sine wave inverter with 2kwh battery for less
-please note 2kwh is really small as you get your feet wet into solar
how long have you had it?.. I've been eying this sale as well but there aren't any long term user reviews on the units and there was one youtube video of a lady who just got hers and it wouldn't charge beyond 80%.. so somewhat worried about quality control/longevity
I bought mine during Amazon's prime sale (about 1.5 months ago). Pecron had their equivalent sale as well.

I don't have any long term usage comments. For the 80% charging issue, I have read that you may need to drain / use the unit until the battery is empty then charge it up to full. That allows the BMS (battery management system) to re-sync things.

For about 0.45 cents / watt for the battery size, you take and accept all the good and bad.

My biggest gripe is wishing it had wifi so I can remotely check on it and run things. I don't think any or very few companies have a wifi enabled solar generator. I know pecron has their E1500LFP (can't remember actual model) but it has wifi and built AC charger. It ships later in September though.

I don't mind the external charging block since I charge by solar or if I am at home, charging block is fine. Efficiency appears good at high 80s / low 90s. It heavy but what 2kwh unit is not heavy. The dual 600w (1200w total) solar input is very good to have.

I cannot build a similar unit for the same price. Only when you go large, much larger like 10kwh or 30kwh does it make more sense to build or buy a kit to assemble.

To recap, I like it and will keep it. For camping, the boss (wife) has a lack of appreciation for power hungry devices and having something that can run a grill, coffee maker, hot water kettle, etc is great to have. Obviously not at the same time.
how long have you had it?.. I've been eying this sale as well but there aren't any long term user reviews on the units and there was one youtube video of a lady who just got hers and it wouldn't charge beyond 80%.. so somewhat worried about quality control/longevity
I reached out to their website's customer service, and their response is similar to what Dinobot248 mentioned. They provided a method where, after the initial use, you charge the device using a charger until the green light displays, and that will allow the machine to adjust the accurate battery level automatically.

Alternatively, there's another method to determine this: when the display shows 80% but can't charge further, press the DC button and check the voltage. If it's around 28V, then it's actually at full charge. Just discharge it and then charge it with a charger until the green light shows.
I bought mine during Amazon's prime sale (about 1.5 months ago). Pecron had their equivalent sale as well.

I don't have any long term usage comments. For the 80% charging issue, I have read that you may need to drain / use the unit until the battery is empty then charge it up to full. That allows the BMS (battery management system) to re-sync things.

For about 0.45 cents / watt for the battery size, you take and accept all the good and bad.

My biggest gripe is wishing it had wifi so I can remotely check on it and run things. I don't think any or very few companies have a wifi enabled solar generator. I know pecron has their E1500LFP (can't remember actual model) but it has wifi and built AC charger. It ships later in September though.

I don't mind the external charging block since I charge by solar or if I am at home, charging block is fine. Efficiency appears good at high 80s / low 90s. It heavy but what 2kwh unit is not heavy. The dual 600w (1200w total) solar input is very good to have.

I cannot build a similar unit for the same price. Only when you go large, much larger like 10kwh or 30kwh does it make more sense to build or buy a kit to assemble.

To recap, I like it and will keep it. For camping, the boss (wife) has a lack of appreciation for power hungry devices and having something that can run a grill, coffee maker, hot water kettle, etc is great to have. Obviously not at the same time.
I made the purchase on their website, and indeed, these high-powered devices should be used at the different time.. Jaja, you've got to heed the "boss's (wife's)" advice if you want to enjoy a successful camping trip.

The E1500LFP comes with WiFi capability and appears to be an good product with impressive features.
I recently purchased the e1500lfp and it is full of issues. It will charge sometimes, but when you unplug the charging cable, the battery percentage drops to 1 or 2 percent. If you plug the charger back in, it doesn’t know the state of the battery and just freezes. I contacted pecron to see if they could help with fixing this unit, since I just received it less than 2 months ago, but I have to pay hundreds in shipping costs to send it back to them. I can’t tell if this is a software issue, BMS, or some other control board issues. Very disappointing to say the least. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had issues like this on the other models?

I’m wondering it is possible to run a different BMS in this unit to see if it fixes any of the problems? If anyone has experience with doing this, please let me know. Thank you!
I recently purchased the e1500lfp and it is full of issues. It will charge sometimes, but when you unplug the charging cable, the battery percentage drops to 1 or 2 percent. If you plug the charger back in, it doesn’t know the state of the battery and just freezes. I contacted pecron to see if they could help with fixing this unit, since I just received it less than 2 months ago, but I have to pay hundreds in shipping costs to send it back to them. I can’t tell if this is a software issue, BMS, or some other control board issues. Very disappointing to say the least. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had issues like this on the other models?

I’m wondering it is possible to run a different BMS in this unit to see if it fixes any of the problems? If anyone has experience with doing this, please let me know. Thank you!
You can ask them to help create a return label, usually a few dozen dollars is enough, not hundreds of dollars. As for whether the problem of rapid battery drop may be an abnormality in the machine's control board? I don't think it should be able to run other BMS, you can email them if you order on the website. Their service is good.
My pecron E2000LFP works well, but I don't have an E1500LFP yet. I will consider it in the future.
You can ask them to help create a return label, usually a few dozen dollars is enough, not hundreds of dollars. As for whether the problem of rapid battery drop may be an abnormality in the machine's control board? I don't think it should be able to run other BMS, you can email them if you order on the website. Their service is good.
My pecron E2000LFP works well, but I don't have an E1500LFP yet. I will consider it in the future.
Thank you!
My biggest gripe is wishing it had wifi so I can remotely check on it and run things. I don't think any or very few companies have a wifi enabled solar generator. I know pecron has their E1500LFP (can't remember actual model) but it has wifi and built AC charger. It ships later in September though.
I use a security camera zoomed at the display for pv charging
Hello all
I have Pecron E2000LFP
Issues I’m experiencing is that it is only good to 80%
I will have it charged above and when the charge gets down to 80 it completely goes dead.
I will plug it into charger and battery life is at zero.
Only have a window of 20%.
Any ideas?
Hello all
I have Pecron E2000LFP
Issues I’m experiencing is that it is only good to 80%
I will have it charged above and when the charge gets down to 80 it completely goes dead.
I will plug it into charger and battery life is at zero.
Only have a window of 20%.
Any ideas?
Is this your first time using it? When using it for the first time, you can charge the E2000LFP according to the engineer's advice, and do not stop charging until the green light on the charger is on (even if it is 100%, wait until the green light is on). This is the process of tuning an electronic coulomb counter.
If this happens to you after multiple uses, it may be that the charging board or control board is faulty, and I will recommend that you contact their engineers to handle it. you can contact them via email. Their service is very good.
I've had my E2000LFP since late 2022. As a power device, it works well, but don't expect any surge about 2000w. It immediately shuts down. I have to keep it inside, as it gets too hot if in my outside shed (we live in Arizona). It sets next to the refridgerator in the kitchen. Mostly an OK location, but the unit has a bad habit of ALWAYS providing LOUD fan noise. Sometimes it sounds like it is falling apart! Pecron has sent me two of the larger exhaust fans (I had to install them myself - no service support from Pecron other than the cheap replacement fans), but no improvement. My next step is to remove the case, hook everything back up, then try to isolate which of the many fans are at fault (sometimes it sounds like all of them have bearing problems). Yesterday I received informtion on the sale of the E1500LFP - good price. Thought I could just hook it up to my two existing EB3000 batteries and pitch the E2000. But, hold on! The 1500 uses 48v batteries and my batteries on 24v!! I've read that I cannot use my existing super expensive batteries on the new E1500! But, the E1500 has an internal charger and wifi! Something I'd really like. But another reviewer here pretty much says the E1500 is also a piece of junk.

Ok, there is a moral to this story. Do not buy equipment from a supplier that doesn't have a local presence. Do not buy equipment just because it is a little less expensive. DO buy equipment from one of the more well-known companies. And lastly, build your system yourself! MUCH cheaper, and it may not look pretty, but at least you can "fix" it yourself. Also, 2000 watts is not enough to justify the expense - start with at least 3000 watts with plenty of surge capacity.

Thanks for reading my tirade - I now feel better!
I signed up to the forum just to add this....

What is is? hours of me rambling as I hack my way through using an E2000LFP to power my entire house.

Long story short, it's an awesome unit, it does not surge over 2000W worth a poop, the internal fan mounted to the heat sink is the crappy one that makes all the bad bearing noise. I have no regrets about using this unit the way I did. It was always a TEMPORARY solution to my immediate problem.

I now have a 3KW BlueSun inverter hooked up to the same LiFePo4 cells, with another rack battery of similar size.

The next time I do this, I will stay the heck away from "all in one" type solutions. I will use an inverter for only inverting, and use MPPT charge controllers for only charging, and so on.

My problem with the Pecron was I would loose solar charging when I wanted to top up with the generator. My problem with my current BlueSun inverter is that I have to power the entire house with the generator when I want to top up with the generator, but the generator does not do 3KW.

Anyhow, good luck. The is also a new E3000LFP out with WiFi and all the bits. My BlueSun came with a WiFi dingle thing, it's garbage, the app is stupid crap and basicly usless for anything. The Pecron display was better than the BlueSun display too. All I want to see is SOC, Load, and PV input. Why is that so hard???

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